Four killed in Kentucky mass shooting before suspect turned gun on himself

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 207 points –
Four killed in Kentucky mass shooting before shooter led police on chase

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Did your literacy study control for people who are ESL or resident non-english speakers (legal resident or illegal)? Most of those literacy studies are actually kinda racist, just fyi. In your fervor to call Americans stupid you may want to not be racist while you do it.

Btw, turns out around around 44% of Aus adults don't have the literacy skills required for every day life

So they're stupider by your metric, I suppose, and idk what their immigrant population looks like so idk if they have a similar "problem" (really less of a "problem" than you'd think actually, they get by ok) with Spanish-only speaking people.

Btw firearms aren't the leading cause of death for children, that study included "children" who are full grown ass 18-19yo adults involved in gangs and took place in 5 cities known for their gang problems, iirc it was NYC, LA, Baltimore, Chicago, and Philly. It also took place during the pandemic when the real leading cause of death would have been deflated, because it's car crashes, and if they're mostly staying home for zoom classes it cuts down on car crashes. Gang activity waits for no pandemic, people need money and other people need to lose theirs to drug addiction, business was booming during the pandemic for dealers, not to mention we still have an opiate epidemic we're dealing with which also overlapped the pandemic (we've been in it for like 15yr now.)

Btw firearms aren't the leading cause of death for children, that study included "children" who are full grown ass 18-19yo

What's the age at which you can legally be served alcohol — an adult beverage — in the USA? Is it above 19, perchance?

Do you know how fucked you have to be to say that "no it's all bullshit, our children only have gun violence as a leading cause of death if you include the older children, so there's actually nothing to worry about, no problem".

You guys repeat the same pathetic bullshit everytime, and just like I said, you never have any science. At least the Flat Earth people are making up models of their fictional bullshit but you're not even capable of that.

Like I said, unfortunately for you, we rational people have all the science backing us up. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

18+ is legally considered an adult, but I do agree that it's bullshit to have the middle ground, I think they should be able to drink. Doesn't change the fact that they're legally considered adults.

Doesn't change the fact that they're still kids.

Probably a reason the limit is 21, yes? Perhaps something about still being a developing human being?

And you're really gonna die on the hill of "we have no issue since only if you think of all teenagers as kids would this even be true"?

This is what I mean with the "always the same shitty propaganda, never any science.

So boring.

Teenagers are kids.


Like I said, unfortunately for you, we rational people have all the science backing us up. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Those "teenagers" are selling heroin and crack in organized gangs (crips, bloods, piru, GD, sureños, etc) and shooting each other over it, especially in the cities the study took place in which are known for their gang and drug activity. Guess what, heroin is illegal for "children" to buy as well, but they get it just fine, that is the issue and that is why nobody takes that stupid study seriously.

Anyone familiar with the situation knows that study was bunk and had bad methodology, idk why you continue to shill for it but you do you lol.

Again, the same "talking points".

At least Flat Earthers try to make their own science. You lazy gun nuts literally repeat three NRA talking points on repeat.

So for you, it's acceptable if children die if they're in their late teens and were involved with anything illegal.

That's quite barbaric viewed from the rest of the world, really. Just like corporal punishment in general. But you also have the whole private prisons industry thing so... Ew.

"Our children are dying to gun massacres we could easily prevent but I like my toys and can't think for myself so I'm gonna keep spreading the things I heard on"

If they decide to enter a gang war, yes, they're in a separate category from some kid just going to math class, because of the inherent dangers in gang warfare. Is this really that hard for you to understand? That choosing to shoot people for taking "your" crackheads comes with inherent dangers, such as being shot at in return by the guys taking your customers? You think calculus and Cartel meth labs are the same? Never seen a mathlete cut off enemy mathlete's heads personally, but maybe you have a video I haven't seen like Funkytown but for debate team?

It's not corporal punishment for a crip to shoot a blood, it's called "murder" which is a "crime." I literally know a fuckton of gang members because of where I grew up, it's a poor choice to enter and the ones that don't quit the life are destined to die "in the line of duty" (read: trying to kill someone illegally because they're wearing the wrong color shirt.) They chose that life.

You gonna go door to door in the heart of the hood and take guns from gang members who already aren't legally allowed to have them? Be my guest lol, there's 600,000,000+ guns be sure to get them all.

More crying, more bullshit NRA propaganda, zero science.

Exactly the same with gun nuts, always.

Yes yes adult "children" who are legally considered adults are children, and the NRA is the sole reason they're considered adults at 18. Boo hoo. Whatever lol

In the rest of the world, saying "boo-hoo, whatever" to child massacres you could prevent simply by accepting the scientific consensus is viewed as less than civil.

You use many words to say nothing.

You ignore everything. Perhaps you're actually so delusional you don't realise you're willfully ignoring something? Here are simple words for you:

Gun control works as surely as antibiotics do.

Says the guy who thinks the NRA decides who is legally considered an adult in the US. Idk what to tell you dude 18-19yos are legal adults and the sooner you accept that fact the better it'll be for your own mental health. I hate to do this, but I'm going to have to block you also for your own mental health, you're unable to stop repeating the same talking points, seek help, for real.

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