Amazon tells court it shouldn't have to police its platforms for hate speech and disinformation

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 153 points –
Amazon tells court it shouldn't have to police its platforms for hate speech and disinformation

Amazon filed a petition with an EU court asking it to annul its designation as a "very large online platform" in the Digital Services Act.


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I get where they're coming from. Moderating a huge online presence where people can make posts about things is difficult and costly. But..... It's their platform and they're in charge of it. So........ It kinda sounds like they have to.

if an entire federation of volunteers can do it, a massive org like amazon can.

Yeah, but moderating a massive platform would make infinite growth very difficult, and the shareholders demand infinite growth. Won't someone think of the shareholders?

And if any company can pay for it, it’s Amazon.

They’re complaining because they don’t WANT to, not because they don’t have the money to.

They want to hoard more billions.