Prison forces trans woman into solitary confinement at a men's facility

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 326 points –
Prison forces trans woman into solitary confinement at a men's facility - LGBTQ Nation

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If the government declared two men could not consent to having sex with each other would you call gay men rapists? Or would you say that's not how those words work?

Maybe you struggle with laws but that’s how laws work. If someone says it’s ok to kill them and you do. It’s still murder. Have a good day.

If someone says it’s ok to kill them and you do. It’s still murder

I agree. Just because the law says something is ethical (like murdering gay people) that doesn't mean it's actually ethical.

Similarly, just because the law says something is unethical (like two prisoners consenting to having sex) that does not make them rapists.