Android users, what's stopping you from switching to an iPhone? to – 18 points –

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With a de-googled custom rom like LineageOS, I'm not forced to choose between 2 mega corps.

Who's phone did you buy and what stock OS was on it?

You chose.

It's a Motorola and you know what I meant. In either case, I haven't used my mobile in months, it's been sat dead in a drawer collecting dust, and I prefer life without being connected all the time, so honestly I don't really have a whole lot of interest in whatever argument you're trying to get into.

At the point where they are running a custom ROM, this feels like a bad faith argument. It's like claiming someone running Linux is clearly a Microsoft supporter when they bought a laptop preinstalled with Windows and replaced the OS day 1.

Exactly what alternative are you proposing? They don't buy any hardware at all? It materializes out of thin air?

I'm saying that picking android to flash a custom ROM is still picking a side. It's a valid answer to the original question. I was just being cheeky.