What made you stop watching anime and why?

VanHalbgott@lemmus.org to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 22 points –

Example: I stopped because I grew attached to an anime called Zombie Land Saga (2018) and am currently trying to forget about it now.

I posted about it on Reddit, then on here because I didn’t agree with the writing of the overall show.

I won’t bicker about it anymore though.


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Watch "A Silent Voice". It's not Ghibli, but if you like Ghibli, you'll appreciate this movie

I read the synopsis and the "bully become lover" is one of the tropes I despise the most. As someone that suffered bullying I only feel the deepest hatred for them in my heart.

Thanks for recommandation anyway!

Oh no. It's not really like that. It's more about hardships and kindnesses than it is about bullying. The main character is flawed, but he also goes out of his way to try and make things right. It's a pretty good story, but I understand where you're coming from

Is there any anime where the main character is just a total unpredictable asshat? Like Voyager in the Xenosaga series? I’m fed up of all the happy endings and friendliness and main character people pleaser who doubts himself. Give me a flawed main character I want to hate, but make him relateable enough that I can not hate him!

You'll appreciate Ichi The Killer or Overlord I'd wager