What's Some Tech That Was Better Than It Is Now?

wuphysics87@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 255 points –

When you connect a new device to a 'smart' tv, you must pay homage to the manufacturer with a ritualistic dance. Plugging and unplugging the device. Turning them on and off in the correct sequence like entering a konami code.

Every time you want to switch devices, the tv must scan for them. And god forbid you lose power, or unplug something. You are granted the delight experience of doing it all over again.

I have fond memories of the days of just plugging something in, and pressing the input button. Instant gratification. It was a simpler time.

What is some other tech that used to be better?


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Autocorrect on smartphones. Arguably, smartphone keyboards in general. The old iPhone keyboard was second to none in my opinion, but it feels like they've all got worse.

Somehow, T9 worked better than basically anything we have now.

And the phones actually had hardware keys and weren't a laggy mess on anything older, than 4 years.

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