Biden loses his train of thought, calls Harris 'Vice President Trump' in solo press conference to politics – 109 points –
Biden loses his train of thought, calls Harris 'Vice President Trump' in solo press conference

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No, no, let's stay on this. ok?

I'll be okay once you explain. Please. Humor me.

If you want to tell me more about how you're not okay, just know I'm here to listen.

So you can't actually explain what you said without admitting that you were bothsidesing Trump's fascism. Cool. You have fun welcoming fascism in this November. Some of us are going to continue trying to stop it.

I said giving us the choice between fascism or a dementia patient was simpleminded, because it is. We're better than that. Now stop being a fucking asshole.

I said giving us the choice between fascism or a dementia patient was simpleminded, because it is.

Yeah, if Biden doesn't drop out, that's what we're looking at. Unless you'd like to explain how Trump et co aren't running on a fascist platform.