It’s vitally important that Democrats now ask one question and one question only: Does Biden have the best chance of beating Trump, or is there someone else readily available who has a better chance? to politics – 329 points –
There’s only one relevant question

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How big were the win margins in 2020 again?

How is that in any way relevant to my correction about "the main source of discontent"?

The Democrats can't afford to lose even half of that 10%.

I didn't say they could. I was correcting someone who indicated Gaza is "the main source of discontent" among voters, when in fact polling shows it is not. I didn't say literally anything about the election or who's likely to win, or what that discontent might mean in the future.

You asked how the electoral margins were relevant to the topic. I just answered your question.

Quibble about which issue is more important all you want, the DNC is already underwater on voter enthusiasm regardless.

I'm not "quibbling". I'm pointing to polling evidence that directly contradicts a claim the other user made. I didn't say a damn thing about the DNC, or voter enthusiasm, or electoral prospects, or any of that information. I literally just showed polls of priority issues for relative importance. That's the end of my point, so please don't respond to an argument I didn't make.

Your disagreement was not one of kind, but of scale. You're choosing to focus on polls of issue priority as if that matters when we both agree that the party can't afford to lose any support regardless of the issue.

You said this:

Voters simply don't care about Gaza anywhere near as much as they care about literally everything else:


It shows up in poll after poll after poll. With the exception of chronically online lemmings and less than 10% of Democratic voters, nobody else really cares.

Yes I did. Your powers of observation are uncanny.

So again, what does the 2020 margin of victory have to do with the purported "main source of discontent" among voters, which isn't borne out by polling data?

I didn't say it was the main source of discontent. I just think that being able to win the election is the most important thing. It doesn't have to be the "main" source to cause the problem we're all talking about.

I didn't say you did. I corrected someone else, and you responded to me. So again, how is your response relevant to me correcting someone else's factual inaccuracy?

I obviously mistook this as a conversation about the upcoming election and Biden's chances, but I can see now that you are purely interested in correcting someone about this one thing, and not about whether or not that has an important impact on Biden's chances.

Yes wow you're right it isn't the "main" source of the discontent. Congratulations.

Yes, I corrected someone's factual inaccuracy. If you want to respond to things that other people are currently talking about, be my guest.

I was talking about the thing the person you responded to was talking about.

Anyway, this was oddly hostile so I'm out.

Then respond to them, not me.

I was responding to what you said about what they said. This is generally how conversations go

You didn't respond to what I said though. You responded, yes, but it had nothing to do with what I said or the point I was making or responding to.

Never mind dude, there is a link, but I've already tried to explain it. You were correct in your comment, which I think is all you're bothered about.

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