Does anyone enjoy intimate kissing scenes in movies? to No Stupid – 233 points –

I just feel like I'm intruding on a private moment and just sit there tense and embarrassed until it's over. Trying not to listen to the schlorp schlorp noises.

But it's such a common trope, I so assume I'm in some weird minority.

Does anyone find it enjoyable to watch? If so, why and how?


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Possibly the greatest fight scene ever!

check the fight scenes in Kung Fu Hustle (Crazy Kung-Fu). I don't like fight films so it was a challenge from a friend to watch this together. I ended up loving it.

Fight scenes in Everything Everywhere All at Once or Survive Style 5+ too were really fun.

Not to forget The Boys

The Boys has excellent fight scenes. Often they are used to develop the story as well.