/r/AccidentalRenaissance moderators have all resigned. The subreddit has permanently shut down and moved to Lemmy.

Lee Duna@lemmy.nz to Reddit@lemmy.world – 4239 points –

AccidentalRenaissance has no active moderators due to Reddit's unprecedented API changes, and has thus been privated to prevent vandalism.

Resignation letters:

Openminded_Skeptic - https://imgur.com/a/WwzQcac

VoltasPistol - https://imgur.com/a/lnHSM4n

We welcome you to join us in our new homes:



Thank you for all your support!

Original post from r/ModCoord


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So is that redundancy accounts in case a server goes down or did they not know kbin and lemmy are federated?

Probably they don't know how the fediverse works, but that's fine for now at least they moved here

We didn't like how either handled images when we first signed up, and having been burned before? We decided to make two and maybe we'll consolidate them later.