/r/AccidentalRenaissance moderators have all resigned. The subreddit has permanently shut down and moved to Lemmy.

Lee Duna@lemmy.nz to Reddit@lemmy.world – 4238 points –

AccidentalRenaissance has no active moderators due to Reddit's unprecedented API changes, and has thus been privated to prevent vandalism.

Resignation letters:

Openminded_Skeptic - https://imgur.com/a/WwzQcac

VoltasPistol - https://imgur.com/a/lnHSM4n

We welcome you to join us in our new homes:



Thank you for all your support!

Original post from r/ModCoord


Argh, why make 2 communities? >_< Pick one damnit :D

I'm going to the blahaj one

Anyway well done for recognizing the ship is rapidly disintegrating.

I was thinking the same thing, it's counterintuitive to the whole point of Lemmy lol

It's kind of a massive part of Lemmys design, so I would disagree.

We're going to end up with duplicate instances all over the place. That's just the reality of things. Some of them will become the more popular versions and others will be abandoned, but there's little point to complaining about it.

Yeah I understand that duplicates will pop up from different people, just found it weird that they would create 2 separate ones themselves. It's hard to find which one to join when both are similar levels of active and I don't love the idea of having to subscribe to both and go to both if I want to see what's being posted. I assumed it was unfamiliarity with how the instances worked but didn't think about seeing if kbin or lemmy would end up being more popular, that does makes sense.

What's wrong with subscribing to both? Then you'd have both in your feed; you wouldn't have to go anywhere.

But yeah we also wanted to make sure to get the name in a couple of places. Didn't expect our resignation letters & whatnot to go a bit more public and get influxes of users and all.

I'm assuming seeing duplicate posts from the two all the time would be the reason why you wouldn't sub to both. Unless there's like some extensions or something that stop that kinda thing? I'm fairly new to this kind of thing so educate me if I'm wrong

They aren't connected except that the same mods run them. We don't, or haven't so far, posted duplicate posts. So that shouldn't be an issue.

And then we're also paying attention and when it seems appropriate, we will likely close down one and redirect traffic to the one we keep up.

it's counterintuitive to the whole point of Lemmy lol

Actually no, it is not. Having multiple smaller communities works to the benefit of users in the Fediverse. One server might be down, and people in those communities can find another community on a different instance to continue discussion until the community of their instance choice comes back up.

By that logic it makes more sense to have one community mirrored over multiple instances. If one instance goes down the others just take over. No hassle for the users.

I do think it would be beneficial if there was a way to have "super communities" or "sub-federation," where communities with similar topics can opt in to the feature. Thus if a person subscribes to one of the communities with that feature, other communities with similar topics will appear in that thread.

Ultimately, this would retain decentralization while increasing community discovery, which is a benefit to end-users.

Yeah people have thrown around the idea of eventually doing something like that. So like you'd subscribe to "AccidentalRenaissance" and get all communities with that name as one feed or whatever.

Hope that happens.

But the point is to have different people in charge in case anyone gets full of themselves. See: reddit

It's a good idea actually and I could see maybe having some different mods and/or handing over one to someone else at some point.

Yeah I think people are trying to force/recreate Reddit in its entirety on a single platform, and that's not going to happen.

And I didn't think of it, but yeah having one to check out when the other one's down is good.

I got a response from them on Reddit:

We didn't know which platform would take off, and we were nervous that because Kbin and Lemmy are so similar one platform might shut down in some sort of consolidation down the road. Also when we made them, each had very serious drawbacks for our media (Lemmy needs a lot of clicking to access the media, while kbin turned any media that wasn't in a 3:4 aspect ratio into a funhouse mirror.) So each of us took a community and somewhere down the line we'll re-evaluate.

That makes a lot of sense.

I was tempted to go with kbin when I switched, because it just looks cleaner and better designed. I'm not sure why kbin isn't more popular, but I'm sticking with the pack right now on lemmy.

Personally I started with kbin and think the dev of it is great. But it's simply not as far along IMO. At least when I was using it, it was critically missing the ability to collapse comments. That single feature is huuuuge for me and probably the most prominent thing that got me to switch to Lemmy.

It also doesn't have an API yet, which means that mobile apps aren't likely to target it. Though I've personally been using a browser cause I haven't found any apps to be good enough yet.

Also, the notifications of kbin felt very buggy to me. I missed a lot of notifications and even when they worked, they don't show the notification or even what the thread title is, so you have to click each one individually. IIRC, clicking the notification also didn't work if your comment wasn't on the first page of comments.

It's still lacking the collapse a comment ability! I am like when are they going to fix that?

But it's a much much newer instance. We'll see, but I think it has potential.

From what I understand, /kbin is not as mature. It's still an early beta. I'm not sure who designed Lemmy's ui but it could use some spit polish.

I like how Lemmy looks simpler and more lightweight. Also Kbin is trying to do 2 things instead of focusing on one thing and I don’t think that’s a good idea.

Given that one of those resignations talks about Beehaw like it's a separate platform entirely, I think it's just some good old fashioned misunderstanding. Looks like they've set up separate user accounts on Lemmy and Kbin too.

Given that one of those resignations talks about Beehaw like it's a separate platform entirely

They might as well be, honestly.

Yeah, kind of a strange choice to split like that. Are they intending to start crossposting to both communities?

Maybe they didn't realize lemmy and kbin can all visit the same community?

I subscribed yesterday. Will have to check which one it is!

This is most likely it. They sound like 2 different sites before you get here and realize how interconnected everything is.

There's a quote from them further up someone posted. They just weren't 100% sold on any site because they said neither quite fit what they wanted. So they started up two to see how they develop and which they prefer down the line.

I understand their feelings about that, but that seems like a dumb idea in the long one.

They're dividing up their user base, and they're going to have different conversations on each of those two servers that they'll have to hop back and forth on if they want to get the whole experience.

I'm sure eventually there'll be a means to merge them at the client end.

The problem is that if you have two communities with exactly the same purpose, then that will encourage people to duplicate posts to both. This splits up discussions into two separate comment threads. Also, merging these communities at the client end will cause you to see any duplicated posts twice 😅

True. But if the client can see the duplicate and merge the post plus the comments from both posts into one on the user's device, it would be transparent to the user. We're just not there yet.

I think the same would also be useful where the same article (post) is made on multiple subs (communities / magazines) within a certain time window. It's annoying seeing the same post multiple times in /all.

Yeah, I really hate the fragmentation because of that. Reddit admittedly had this problem too, but it didn't feel like the same degree.

I think it also is a barrier to growing a community because it can sometimes take some time for it to be clear which community is the biggest one. To avoid duplication, I usually only join the biggest community of each "type" and it's not always obvious which one that is.

I mean it was like that on Reddit too. I would see the same articles posted on r/gaming, r/gamers, r/truegamers, etc. It’s not really a problem unique to Lemmy/Kbin

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Why not both? I like twice the content.

It's not going to be twice the content though. It's either going to be split between the two, or, most likely, just seeing double-posts as one is crossposted to the other

I just checked out KBin for the first time. Yes there's a lot of duplicated communities on there but the site itself has quite a nice UI. Like a more updated version of Lemmy keeping the simpl9icity but not going balls-to-the-wall modern like Reddit.

I've signed up and think I'll be using both. I don't see a problem with this. Sometimes I get a bit bored of Lemmy's stories not updating so I'll switch to KBin and see what's going on.

It's no different than when I used to get bored of Reddit and would check out BBC News or YouTube for stuff.

I like choice.

Nobody said anything about choice. But you can use your kbin account to read lemmy communities through kbin, and you can use lemmy account to read kbin communities through lemmy. There's just no reason to have 2 communities.

We weren't sure which to go with; also... there was a whole thing with the creator of the OG sub; we were a bit concerned that they would create those and just sit on them, so we wanted to go ahead and have at least one or two places for AR.

So we did one on lemmy and one on kbin (I think I put one on like... squabbles too?) (I should check that...) and will kinda go with whichever takes off.

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For everyone who told us that they’d never taken a single art class and they could mod this place better with their eyes closed… Well, consider this a golden opportunity! It’s going to be tricky doing it with your eyes closed ever since Reddit’s painfully botched rollout of “disability friendly” mod tools in their disasterpiece of a mobile app has caused nothing but crashes and bugs, but you seemed so confident in the many (many, many, many) times you’ve expressed this opinion that we can only assume you know something about modding that we don’t!

Is such a fun line.

test comment.
edit of test comment
edit from culprit browser
edit with only one add-on deactivated

You ok there bud?

Oh my god that was annoying! But yes. Now, I am okay.

Firefox wasn't letting me comment, reply to comments, or edit my comments. I even dragged my home instance's moderator into helping me debug which I feel terrible about. (Especially because I originally described it as a federation error, only later realizing that the glitch was happening on reddthat as well as federated instances.)

After various debugging attempts, he told me to deactivate my extensions... which I hadn't tried for some reason... and it worked instantly. My Bionic Reader Firefox extension in particular turned out being the source of the problem. And now I feel like I've wasted my mod's time trying to debug something that he had no control over, but other than that? I'm okay.

Thanks for asking.

I mean.. Idk why.. but I love it.. imagining you pulling your hair out trying to troubleshoot this.. haha..

Been there done that..

Cheers mate!

That's fine. Bound to happen sooner or later with other users anyway. Next time when the mod debug a similar issue, they'll remember to ask the user to deactivate extensions first.

He's problem solving, so he looks fine.

Your user name would have been a fun notification to receive while troubleshooting ahaaha

I don't think there's a lot of blind people going to r/AccidentalRenaissance anyway.

Actually, we did have a small contingent of visually impaired people who enjoyed the subreddit, even if they had to zoom way in to see the details. Most people who are legally blind still have some vision and they still love pleasing arrangements of pixels.

That's why we're trying to make the Lemmy and kbin instances more accessible by adding image transcriptions where possible, a paragraph description explaining the details in the photo so mostly-blind people can enjoy them more.

Also, like, half the mod team is some flavor of disabled, and us cripples gotta stick together.

That contingent included me so I am happy to see you here :)

I'm still learning transcription so feedback for what works and what doesn't will be helpful!

This is a masterpiece! Now I miss r/murdered_by_words!

Oh please please please. And the companion suicide and kamikaze subs too. All absolute gems.

Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn't work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !accidentalrenaissance@lemmy.blahaj.zone

It also works in the /c/ and /m/ formats for the web version of Lemmy (not sure if kbin has the same)



FWIW, in Memmy, the latter is recognized as a URL and clickable, but takes me to a “page not found” page on my home server. The former is not clickable.

I've updated my comment to specify that it works on the web version. I'm sure each app will have a different implementation of linking to communities.

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Those links don't work on connect app :(

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This is the sort of action I love to see. Reddit thinks they own the moderators who are working for free. They want slaves. Fuck them.

From the very start, ever subreddit should have challenged Reddit and called their bluff. Go ahead, replace the mods for thousands of subreddits. If a few dozen are changed, that's no problem. Whatever. But thousands? Good luck.

The whole protest seemed so half-hearted from the start. You don't go on strike with a set end-date in mind. You go on strike indefinitely until demands are met or a satisfactory compromise is made.

I will say that the short blackout was enough to get me onto the Fediverse. I didn't even use the apps that would be affected by the API shutdown, so I never would have noticed the controversy without the blackout.

But once the blackout was announced, I recognized how far reddit was willing to go in service of harvesting its users' data. And after that point, I just didn't feel good on the site anymore. (Granted, I first created an account on Mastodon because the people calling for blackouts never mentioned Lemmy. But still!)

Between Facebook's notification system repeatedly failing to direct me to comment replies, Twitter DDoSing itself, and reddit turning into the Eye of Sauron (which, again, I would not have even noticed happening were it not for the short protest), it seemed like the perfect time to exit the sinking ship of corporate social media.

Meaning they did something. Maybe they didn't avert the reddit apocalypse, but they still did something.

When the blackouts started no one had a clue which of the alternatives would stand out as a viable option.

True, but it got people (eg me) started on actually looking for alternatives.

Not being very tech savvy, the reddit summaries post backout helped alot too.

Same. Investigated why there was a blackout, found out Reddit was screwing over RIF in a big way and felt disgusted enough to look for Reddit alternatives. Here we are!

There was never a chance for compromise. This was about money; a premature, over blown, knee jerk, pie-in-the-sky hope to cash in on free expert input based on decades of good will interactions performed for free by people who cared about their subject matter.

I deleted every comment I'd ever made and left pretty much immediately. They can eat their own shit.

Don't forget to go back a week out and verify that your deleted comments didn't mysteriously reappear. Seems like that's been happening a lot lately, according to various reports. (I haven't really had the heart to go delete all of my own comments. Yet.)

Get your account banned, boom, comments gone. If you want to cause additional pain GDPR request on your banned account every 30 days. They still have to comply with requests as long as they hold your data. Make them work even though you don't use the site.

I heard one guy had manually deleted their comments only to find sometime later they were restored.

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I was saying this from day one, we aren't teachers or nurses or someone who may feel they owe society some information about their strike.

People literally could not promise to stay away from a website for a week. The strike should have been indefinite it was our chance to try and save it. Now it's lost to me.

I never wanted to save Reddit in the first place. I was glad that spez finally screwed it up badly enough to prompt people to leave in large numbers, and I was glad that the protest was too half-hearted to restore the status quo. Fuck centralised, corporate-owned social media.

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Because they can’t bear to touch grass for more than 2 days and can’t live without their power trip

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Lemmy must use free moderators as well?

Lemmy doesn't have a CEO who expects them to make him money.

That's fair. I was also thinking how you can potentially whip up your own instance if you become unhappy oth your current one. Or if you don't like the moderation of a community you can start using a similar community on a different instance. There is a lot more freedom of choice here!

If an instance owner could think of imaginative ways of funding or if Lemmy adds things like purchasable awards for funding (I know... I can hear everyone's eyes roll collectively) then Instances could even pay moderators if they really wanted to.

Lemmy can be whatever it wants to be.

I donate to the open source hosting that's hosting this lemmy instance fediservices.nz seems like a good model for now

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Oh damn, that's us!!

We'd wondered where the nearly 1.9k subscribers came from completely out of nowhere!

So, yeah, a lot of people are hating on us for creating one of Kbin and one on Lemmy, but we had our reasons: Basically, neither handled images very well and we saw that these two services did basically the same thing and that typically leads to the weaker project getting cancelled down the line, so we decided our safest bet was just to make one of each, just in case. Better safe than sorry.

We might consolidate them later, but for now just pick whichever you like best. :)

Just want to say, "it's been swell, but the swelling's gone down" is a fantastic turn of phrase that I will be stealing

We'd wondered where the nearly 1.9k subscribers came from completely out of nowhere!

LoL, that's really great! 🤣🤣🤣

Basically, neither handled images very well

You can always use these to upload image

On lemmy you can use this code to display image


It wasn't the way images uploaded, it was more that kbin's image previews absolutely skullfucked the aspect ratio of anything that wasn't roughly in a 3:4 aspect ratio, making a bunch of deeply touching photos look like goofy funhouse mirrors.

We were like, "Shit.... Is.... Is this on purpose? Are the people behind kbin some kind of weirdos who believe in 3:4 aspect ratio supremacy??" so we thought, "Eh..... Maybe we'd better make a Lemmy too, in case kbin doesn't figure their shit out".

Because, honestly? Our faith in humanity was at an all-time low and we were running out of time before people began leaving reddit for new platforms. Throw everything against the wall and see what sticks, right?

It wasn't the way images uploaded, it was more that kbin's image previews absolutely skullfucked the aspect ratio of anything that wasn't roughly in a 3:4 aspect ratio, making a bunch of deeply touching photos look like goofy funhouse mirrors.

I can only suggest to use mobile app. So far I don't see any problem with image handling on mobile app. On desktop and mobile browser you might want to use voyager https://vger.app

It isn't personal preference, I'm trying to do what's best for my community, mobile and desktop users alike.

Are you going to merge/consolidate the topics/posts from each of the two servers with each other, or just keep two sets of posts/topics, one on each server?

The good thing is that on lemmy it looks like you can delete communities.

We probably wouldn't delete it, just leave a link at the top explaining we've migrated and lock it so it isn't accepting new posts.

I wouldn't want someone who submitted a treasured photo and got a bunch of positive feedback to lose it forever in the name of ruthless efficiency.

Just saying it’s an option that um, other sites don’t have.

Yeah that's a good option that I WISH Reddit had... had. But only for the creator maybe?

By the way I'm commenting this on the mlmym thing you made!

Well I didn’t make that, I found it. Reddit used to have a bunch of these too. Anyway I saw someone ask the admin of the server to incorporate it and make it available if you went to old.Lemmy.world. He said maybe. @ruud please?

Better pick one and work on that only, rather than cutting your possible userbase in half. You don't want to have two seperate communities doing the same thing, by the same people. You came from Reddit, so just stick to Lemmy! :)

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!accidentalrenaissance@lemmy.blahaj.zone for us lemmy folks

...why did they make two comms though when kbin and lemmy work together?

Maybe because, like me, they don't understand the difference

For your reference: for all intents and purposes there isn’t one. Lemmy accounts can interact and follow kbin communities and vice versa. You don’t need accounts on both, though you can if you choose.

But are these actually the same communities?

Or do they count as separate ones on separate instances which uses created with that instance specific account?

I think they're 2 spearate communities? Which does confuse things.

Although the link worked on Connect for the Lemmy one so that's what I'll be using anywau

You mean for this specific case? Yes, they’re two separate communities which is why it was disadvantageous to create a community on both kbin and Lemmy—if they made just one, that one community could share subscribers and comments and such from all Lemmy instances (that aren’t defederated) as well as kbin. They didn’t need to make separate accidentalrenaissance communities but they did.

I’m not a fan of the e-mail analogy overall, but here it works. It’s like they created a gmail account and an aol account, thinking only gmail accounts could email each other and only aol accounts could email each other. But really, if they made only a gmail account then both gmail and aol would be able to communicate easily.

Maybe they went ahead and grabbed both, one will eventually become more popular and the popular one will stay running while they just have the other one directing people to the popular one.

Mods can set a community so only mods can post in it. They can make that change and leave a message redirecting everyone to the other community to consolidate it.

One mod team working on two communities. We may consolidate to one or the other at a later date.

We were honestly afraid that either Lemmy or Kbin would self-destruct so we wanted to have one to fall back on and we weren't happy with how either handled images.

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Because when this all happened, both had serious drawbacks and we were a bit afraid that either kbin or Lemmy might spontaneously combust altogether and we'd have nothing.

Our trust in social networks was not exactly great at that moment.

We might consolidate to one or the other in the future.

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That's pretty daring of them to do, they're risking their severance package by so publicly making their former employer look so bad. Oh wait...

You trying to tell me mods did their jobs for free

We'll never know since they signed a NDA in exchange for compensation

Oh wait...

I'm so happy to see this community join us here, especially not being a mega-community with the same icon. We know the one on here.

I feel the more niche communities migrations will have a bigger impact. That something like politics or whatnot wouldn't. Like even Fuckcars is here, because Fuck cars.

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Welcome to LemmyVille it’s nice here we have

  • dietary advice
  • antique meme
  • screenshot
  • bean

I love accidental renaissance one of my favourite subs x

Also, infinite layers of meta commentary and criticism of the meta and criticism of that criticism... I'm home

For those of you browsing from lemmy.world here is how to access it and stay logged in:


If you drop the first half, the web version and most apps will open the community in your instance.


404 not found.

This is going well!

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Thanks! Kind of annoying that this is required just now, either there's an easier way that I'm just too dumb to see - or I imagine this process will be made easier in future (hopefully near) :D

I imagine some sort of autocomplete feature could be made which provides a dropdown menu of communities and instances based on what you type after "/c/".

It exists! It gets triggered when you start typing exclamation mark followed by a few characters. A long popup list appeared with communities your home instant knows of.

And this is with the stock web ui. If you're using an app then it's up to the developer of that app.

Why not trigger it when someone types "/c/". Using an exclamation mark isn't intuitive.

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Feel kind of honored. One of the posts that the founding mod pulled over was a pic of my dog.


Is that a magic helmet?

Second question: Does your dog also have a sword?

Third question: Does your dog want to kill the wabbit?

That's a really good shot!

I actually thought of you when I posted it bc I remember when you (or your spouse?) posted it to the OG sub and whatnot! I was like... should I try to get in touch first to see if it's ok to post it, and then I forgot to do that and posted it anyway lol.

This has been awesome. I’m finding out about communities I’ve never known about but starting with Lemmy to follow. Thanks Reddit for making all of the worst decisions all at once.

I REALLY like it here the most. After a couple weeks, I’m barely missing it over there (I really miss Apollo, not Reddit, thank you to Voyager for providing a similar experience).

Reddit’s and Twitter’s recent move have been the best thing that happened to the Fediverse.

Hope we’re getting close to the critical mass required for more people to start adopting it !

I’m of the opinion I don’t want critical mass. The experience right now with the most technical savvy people in most communities has been my favorite part.

Let’s leave the combative, competitive and bot-riddled users over there. lol

It's a trade-off, like all things. Right now the user base is small and friendly enough for civil discussions and an inviting atmosphere, but with critical mass comes enough population to fuel niche communities as well as more content overall.

I love using Lemmy right now, but it's not quite the full powered distraction faucet yet. Though I guess maybe that's a good thing for mental health purposes.

It sure is refreshing ! Then let’s just hope that more big-content creator (the 1% of reddit that actually post) move here then ^^


😂 You all are funny

{ 200: OK }

Comment came in loud and clear

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It’s clear that people prefer Lemmy over Kbin, for some reason. Over 2k users in the Lemmy community vs. only 900 on Kbin.

for some reason

I joined a bunch of instances (including kbin) with a bunch of different usernames, and have mostly stopped visiting kbin. The default browser interface isn't as good: no collapsing comments, unintuitive displays of what magazine/community you're on (thread links weirdly prioritize telling you which instance hosts the community rather than which of that instance's local communities it is), etc.

This UI/UX stuff matters, I think. After all, a big part of the reddit migration was prompted by users being forced off of their preferred interface.

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it is quite difficult to use kbin to aay the least, as the user interface is more friendly here

The UI for both is just reddit. And Kbin has a PWA that functions like a native app. The only issue I've found (on my phone at least), is some formatting issues with certain buttons.

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I hate the way they handle images. I was browsing kbin on my phone, and they show images 3 or 4 times as wide as tall. They put a tiny little thumbnail of the original image that fits in there, on a background of a blurred version of a strip of the image. It looks awful, and you can't even click on it to see the image. You click once and it takes you to the thread, and you need to click a second time to see the image. Then back a couple times to get back to where you were.

tl/dr, kbin had me first, and I left because I didn't like the UI.

Kbin seems to have some trouble viewing content in lemmy, but lemmy seems to have no trouble viewing kbin content, something about federated server being incomplete. I don't know enough about federation to diagnose the problem or who is responsible, but lemmy account sees more stuff so that's where I went.

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Timing and word of mouth.

For myself I didn't even know Kbin existed until after the Reddit drama happened and I moved over to Lemmy.

I actually prefer kbin.(social). It hasn't had nearly as much downtime and errors and whatnot as I've experienced on lemmy. Which is remarkable since Lemmy has been around for a few years whereas kbin is fairly recent.

Like, there are always growing pains, so I get it, and with all the influx of new users there can be issues, so not a big deal.

I think Lemmy's more popular mostly because for whatever reason it's the catchall name for the fediverse right now. IDK if there's any like (very mild) astroturfing going on, or the name is just catchy, or what.

It's the name that's catchy, and word of mouth when the Reddit drama happen, people weren't mentioning Kbin that much.

Also Kbin sounded like a website for uploading pictures of programming code that you want to send to another programmer. It's a very utility sort of name, where Lemmy is a very cosmetic sort of name.

If want an unprovoked opinion of a new join, I picked Lemmy because it was a simple word I could pronounce. I'm not saying kbin would be difficult to figure out, but having a simple name to pronounce is an easy "Welcome" sign to the newbies.

I should probably check around kbin at some point and I might even like it better. I just found what worked for me and I'm hesitant to change anything right now.......okay you motivated me, I'll check it out this weekend.

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Good on them, I was subscribed to that subreddit for the longest time and I'm glad to see they've made the transition. I'd love to see r/AskHistorians make the transition too, as that's an amazing subreddit with great information.

Hoping that one makes the transition myself. I would also love to see r/AcademicBiblical make the move. It was a great collection of resources and academic-level discussion of ancient judeo-christian religion. I mod three communities right now, and c/BiblicalStudies at !biblicalstudies@lemmy.world is the only one I made with the hopes of one day handing it off completely to someone with more expertise than me. Doesn't have to be the reddit mods (I disagree with that idea), just someone better suited for that rigorous of a community

I loved Academic biblical too! Also I can't remember the sub name but religious/atheism debates I find intriguing. Oh ofc debate an atheist was one, debate a Christian iirc was another. Would love to see a giant instance that covers debates between all religions and atheism, the noachides, Jewish, Christian's, Muslims, Buddhists even Hinduism I love all religious debate!

Oh this is great news, I've missed seeing AccidentalRenaissance posts

Great! I wonder if Reddit will forcibly reopen r/AccidentalRenaissance like they said in their press release during the blackout.

I'm so fucking happy. I went looking for an equivalent Lemmy community only a couple of days ago and there wasn't really anything. But now here are the OGs!

This is the type of movement I've been looking forward to. I still visit Reddit but not for Reddit's sake. I go for the high quality subs with tight moderation and good content that are still on Reddit. Once they move out, there's no reason to stay on.

I refuse to download their shit, and as such, I have no access to it. I don't visit reddit on my computer, never have, never will.

Bacon went tits up at around 7PM pacific for me, and that was that. My last post was a farewell message to one of my subs, and I don't even know what my last comment was. The baconreader icon still sits on my top 4 buttons at the bottom of my phone screen, and I've opened it first thing in the morning once or twice since, but it's borked, and that's that. I'll put a Lemmy reader app there once I decide which one it's gonna be...

C'est la fucking vie reddit.

I wish I could see more subreddits do this and finally make the switch to lemmy. I want reddit to have just a bunch of teenagers and elderly who have no idea what's going on using it. it'll be a big fuck you to spez

Subscribed kbin, Lemmy is giving an error ATM. Welcome aboard!

can someone explain to me the difference between kbin and Lemmy before we get too far into this and I'm too scared to ask

I'm a little lost myself, so take this with a grain of salt, but....

kbin has more complete microblogging integration. I don't understand what it looks like or feels like, but here on Lemmy, I believe you can only post URLs-to and screenshots-of Mastodon posts. Not the posts themselves.

The ActivityPub protocol underneath Mastodon and Lemmy technically supports that kind of interoperability. That's why Mastodon users can comment on Lemmy posts and on Lemmy comments. But Lemmy has not yet adopted that feature. As far as I know.

kbin has.

As far as I can tell by reading the Redditor's guide to how Kbin works (your what/how-to guide) over on reddit, it appears that microblogging posts can be made from within kbin.

Which makes kbin a combination twitter/reddit. And it makes Lemmy a "reddit, but twitter users can find our posts and comment on them using their Twitter account in such a way so that they're visible even to us Lemmy users, and boost our comments and posts to their followers."

great explanation, the relation to the brand-name platforms really helps. thank you.

They both talk the same protocol but are different softwares mainly different UI's really I think

They're different programs that do the same thing and communicate with the same protocol. Some servers run Lemmy, others run kbin. They have slightly different featuresets (afaik kbin integrates some microblogging functionality in addition to threaded comments and link aggregation) but it's really a matter of preference.

Fantastic news

Thats a nice name you got there Uguluk.

Uglúk u bagronk sha pushdug Saruman-glob búb-hosh skai.

Thank you. Been using this name for video games since I was a kid because of LOTR lol

One of the best subs hands down. Sad to see it go but happy that I can subscribe again

Yeeeesssss! One of my very favorite subreddits. So happy to see them here!

I subscribed immediatly. Hope to see more subs migrating over here!

There is already high quality content on the community. Go check it out.


Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn't work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !accidentalrenaissance@lemmy.blahaj.zone

Good bot

Oddly enough, the first link worked for me using Connect for Lemmy, but the bot link tries to take me to a user account for accidentalrenaissance instead of a community.

Interesting, seems like Connect tries to overcorrect

I think connect for Lemmy is removing the "!" on the link. Warning:I don't IT.

Ugh. I’m still new here on Lemmy, can’t seem to find a way to subscribe. I’m using Memmy. Any thoughts?

In Memmy, click “search”, type in the community name, and click “search communities”

The cool thing is you don’t even have to type the whole community name. I was able to just put “accident” as my search and it came up. So click the comm and then click the subscribe button

Click on the search button on Memmy, type “accidentalrenaissance” in the bar then click to search communities. Both the kbin and the blahzone communities show for me there, pick which one you’d prefer and subscribe. Or both. You can do both.

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All I need is the Solus sub to move over here and there is literally nothing on reddit I need; right now, that sub is pretty much the only place to keep up with developments on the OS since it reorganized and de-dormant'ed. Please let it move, please.

I'm curious, what made the AskHistorians mod team considered one of the best?

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Another victory over the old country!

i'm guessing succinctness wasn't in fashion during the renaissance

So is that redundancy accounts in case a server goes down or did they not know kbin and lemmy are federated?

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That's great. I was the creator of subreddits like AnimalsBeingDerps and AmsterdamEnts among others and was quietly permabanned by the admins. I'm just too tired to do anything about it honestly, but it feels pretty shitty.

Edited for clarity.

Do you mean you made posts about switching to lemmy on those subreddits and the mods permabanned you?

Yeah, I made a comment about the decline of reddit here on lemmy and that day I was permabanned. You can see it's the first comment I made here. I had previously run into some other problems and literally all of my alt accounts had already been banned, and I couldn't make any new accounts. I was pretty outspoken and always ready to have confrontational conversations about fascists and racists, which I guess I was too volatile about. I was also very active on vaporents, which also seems somehow connected to all this as it seems problematic for the IPO. All of this is why I was already pretty miffed at the shithole it was becoming. I think I've been pretty anti-reddit for a while, and I guess I was on "thin ice". Another funny thing is I had also just been interviewed for a small article on boredpanda about the animalsbeingderps subreddit as its creator, and very soon afterwards the other mods over at animalsbeingderps sort of pushed me out at reddit admins' request to demod mods who don't mod enough (which was honestly fine as I wasn't much of a moderator). I had my mod privileges taken away and was relegated to "Alumni" status. My main interaction with the site, other than commenting and posting, was that I would start a sub based on a silly/less silly idea, and then make a ton of posts to kick-start them, then if they grew a bit popular I handed them over to other mod wannabes as I moved on. Anyway, good to finally vomit all this out somewhere.

Edit: Grammar and clarity.

Well to hell with Reddit anyways. We’re all here because we all were on thin ice that broke, so welcome :) hope you find the community and discussion you’re looking for here. In my mind, Reddit seems to have enacted their version of martial law with the admins forcing mod teams’ hands. The company has lost site of the true spirit of the site. They are planting in mods that will bow down and do as they’re told.

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