1 Post – 209 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

No. You make it so that they cannot hold single family dwellings period unless for the purpose of listing and selling them to non-corporate individuals.

Groceries and gas is still inflated. Services are steadily raising rates and some people are still not being paid a living wage.

Sounds like they were trying to find a reason to defederate.

Thunderbird ftw

That's a subscription. He should try it and see how that goes.

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Shows his desperation. Adapt or die.

I remember at one point that Amazon was amazing. Now days it's a crapshoot on product quality and delivery time.

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It does not. There are no clauses in the Constitution that allows a state to secede. Even if they did, that lack of federal funds and citizen exodus will kill the state.

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Moving it to WebView just makes it a Trojan horse for the rest of the web.

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Threads did the same thing. Explosive growth followed by silence. Social media grows over time. It's not a constant gigantic upward slope.

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Using dishonest tactics to claw away market share won't work with gamers. Steam got to where it is by good will, good prices and good features.

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Doesn't matter. The U.S. Constitution guarentees a Republic, forces the states to enforce the Republic at all levels and grants the right to vote. They can't deny a thing.

Louisiana was rated the worst state in America. They're cementing that position.

Lemmy would be soaring too if it weren't for terrible database code allowing for easy ddos.

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Dems have been having an ongoing issue with communication. They have to get loud about the accomplishments.

Do it, coward

Glad you guys resisted the call to close signups. I think that's what they want in the end, to harm by killing it's growth.

I'm more than positive that food deserted areas could not afford Whole Paycheck and Walmart is never the solution. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. If its successful then I forsee this being used in more than just Chicago.

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You probably have antitracking enabled which can trigger this dumb prompt.

Google lived long enough to become the villain.

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Tax billionaires and corporations properly and they can fix the debt in 5 years.

Texit LOL

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Democrat leadership has a severe communications problem. I'm not sure why they refuse to fix the disconnect.

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Fuck You in particular

No need to rush it if the software is in heavy churn. Just pick a date when the dust settles.

Not every job entry needed inflated experience/education requirements in the first place. It wastes everyone's time and effort.

Gas pumps have Bluetooth? That's news to me.

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Believe it. The Civil Rights era was only about 58 years ago. People from that era are still alive to tell the tale.

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They want to commit voter fraud.

Now is definitely the time for stronger language and to actually communicate.

Hydrogen won't go anywhere as long as storage is a problem.

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Good stuff. Keep in mind that Intuit fought this for a very long time. But since they finally got stomped, the IRS can do it's thing now.

Time to experiment with Linux again. Still haven't settled on a distro that I liked 100%.

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This is why Steam got the lion's share. Ubisoft is mad disrespectful.

The MAGA crowd is terrified of her. Good.

Unfortunately that's not sarcasm.

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The Judge is right. AI is not a living citizen.

They are terrified of her influence.

He's paying for it. Many of us don't buy Apple products.

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