14 Post – 264 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The maintainer of "What the Fediverse" and an avid Guild Wars 2 player.

I hope this gets fixed. I use that website a lot and also direct new users towards it.

Which neighbouring nations approved of those borders and does Israel respect those borders today?

The obsession with mutilating baby boy’s penises.

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We need much better moderation tools. List of uploaded content, list of cached content, option to purge cached content.

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Why is the people in that region less important than the rest of us?

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It really should.

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That's what happens when you start getting popular. Lemmy will survive it :D

Kevin just wanna sleep with ya!

Why not arrest them then, if they have proof of being terrorists?

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The sorting algorithm still needs some tweaking, so it won’t show that many posts from big communities, but spread it out more, so smaller communities also show up.

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An alternative for iOS is “Go Map!!”.

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Migrated the repo to my own Gitea.

Then just keep it to yourself.

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Tragic how the abused has become the abuser.

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Russia is not part of the UN convention that forbids making a person stateless, but I don’t think that would have mattered anyway.

As a stateless person, you can seek asylum in almost any European country.

It’s clear that people prefer Lemmy over Kbin, for some reason. Over 2k users in the Lemmy community vs. only 900 on Kbin.

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What do you mean by safe?

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What happens when someone is arrested? That’s what.

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Give them a trip to Auschwitz in Poland and they’ll soon believe it existed.

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Last I heard is that they are testing 0.19 on

I think once "Hot" is fixed, the experience will be much better. Edit: Should now be fixed in version 0.18.3

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Password reset and notifications.


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Plenty of new recruits from all the people who lost family in the bombings.

Data send via HTTP is not encrypted. That's bad.

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Thank you, EU 🫶

Is admins also not obligated to report such content on our servers to the authorities?

Is there an IP attached to the uploader or something?

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Discord. And no, Matrix/Element isn’t an alternative.

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A Lemmy instance runs on a computer (server) and that server could be anything from a VPS you rent to your own computer in your home.

My instance is hosted on my own hardware, at my home.

When are we gonna get the single player version of Star Citizen (Squadron 42) with Mark Hamill??

No, the IDF is still terrorising there.

Being a colonizer or a migrant is up to you 😉

Do one thing and do that excellent.

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Crazy. Mojang should just host their own Lemmy instance 😅

Great job, everyone!

Write it like this: ! and it will turn into a link that fits whatever instance you are on: !

You just look at the community name to determine what is hiding under the NSFW tag.

Israel could start with restoring the internationally recognised borders. That’s one war crime down.

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Maybe because a lot of users have left the subreddit and moved here?