Poptalk.scrubbles.tech is going down temporarily due to fear of federating CSAM

Blaze@discuss.tchncs.de to Fediverse@lemmy.ml – 128 points –


(The site is already down, and my instance wasn't subscribed, so I can't properly link, hopefully the bot will help).

Link from LW: https://lemmy.world/post/3979585


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We need much better moderation tools. List of uploaded content, list of cached content, option to purge cached content.

I keep hearing they are swamped and not many people, so if that's really the case i hope this spurs knowledgeable people to join to help add these things.

Absolutely this. There are issues with deletes not federating properly too, right?

That's a big part of the issue here too since even when .world cleans up the content it's already been pushed out to every other instance and will now remain there until all THOSE admins also purge it.