A new app to rule them all!

Meldrik@lemmy.wtf to 196@lemmy.blahaj.zone – 369 points –

Been on Memmy since the early stages and… damn that development speed!

I'm on android but I've tried a bunch (connect, summit, wefwef, another I forget) but I think Jerboa is the best. Seems the most functional by far. Can't wait for boost, though.

Tried all of them, liftoff is way better

Is there a better way to search for communities outside of your account's home instance on Liftoff that I haven't found? Connect currently has it beat on that feature, unless I've missed something obvious.

Glad I'm not the only one. It feels like I need to add a new instance every time I look for a community outside the ones I've already added. :/

Liftoff was really slow/buggy for me and I think searching for communities was hard

After using boost for years the biggest thing I hate about jerboa is that short and long taps on comments is backwards. Drives me nuts.


This is literally my one and only complaint for jerboa. Its maddening, I need an option to change the short and long taps lmao

Same here, my one complaint aside from other small nitpicky things.

thunder is really good though

I stand corrected connect is actually amazing

I was disappointed when I pressed the back button on the home page and it came up with a dialogue to exit the app

They asked if I wanted to exit connect instead of the obvious pun of "do you want to dis-connect"

I don't think I tried that actually, shall give it a go. I mostly just wanted to give Jerboa some love. It's fun trying the new ones but people seem to overlook it a bit.

Liftoff is pretty awesome. I find it smoother than Jerboa.

i’m beginning to suspect the devs in this space are in some secret competition over which of them can get us to say the silliest words with complete sincerity

I need one that allows me to submit too. For now Wefwef is still beating Memmy on look/feel for me. Liftoff! has the best featureset but I don't like the looks so much.

Are you all able to upvote comments on Memmy? It’s the one issue I’m having with it

Yes! It has swipe actions. Swipe to the right for up and down vote. Swipe to the left to reply to a comment.

Please accept this upvote, brought to you courtesy of Memmy.

As a former boost user, I'm waiting for Boost for Lemmy

Memmy doesn’t load my profile page :(

I was having this issue as well and went back and forth with the dev on that. What he worked out was that capitalization of the username was causing issues. I had to delete/re-add my accounts to rectify it.

Thanks for sharing your fix, unfortunately the username is all lowercase in Memmy, so that isn’t my issue per se.

Actually, it needs to be the same capitalization as what you registered with I think. Can you test that?

I’ll do something to try and fix this in the next update, although I believe something was already submitted as a fix for this to Lemmy iirc.

No issues here. Can you login though or is just your profile it can't load?

I can login, was actually replying from Memmy to see if it got fixed. My other account loads the profile, but this one on this instance doesn’t for some reason, and while I like my blahaj.zone account, I figured it’d be nice to see some of the other stuff and choose for myself what I do or don’t want to see, hence the infosec.pub account that Memmy doesn’t show the profile for.

Though frankly, most of what I see on here that’s different is like exploding-heads garbage, so it’s not like I was really missing out on anything with blahaj.zone.

Had a similar issue cus I logged in with Email, had to sign out and login via Username

Ngl I think I like wefwef more after using both. Something just feels cleaner about it

I’ve been using Wefwef up to this point but switched to Memmy since it has blocking of communities and Wefwef doesn’t yet.

Is it native or web app?

Can't stand constantly exiting out of wefwef every time I try to swipe back to the main page

Memmy is native and wefwef is a web app.

Is that an Android thing? Doesn’t happen to me on iOS.

Doesn't happen to me on Android.

I assumed it was an iOS thing

I would think the dev would be able to override that even on a web app

How do i get Memmy? I can't find any way to download it for android.

buy an iphone and download it

I think at one point they were planning on having an Android version too, but have scrapped it for now.

Probably because Lemmy apps for Android are saturated as hell so they decided to focus on the smaller base

There are none as good as Memmy though. And none with the design of Apollo (except wefwef, but that's a web app. It's ok, but it causes problems)

sadly the beta is full for ios

It’s available in the App Store if you have an iPhone!

thanks you so much! writing this from the awesome memmy app, a lot better than Mlem, imo

An app "to rule them all" would need to be multiplatform

This is my only grievance with the app, hope it'll come soon! Meanwhile I'm using mlem for multi-instance. Memmy is for leisure-browsing!

I just use lemmy.blahaj.zone as a Brave home screen app, the other apps I've tried are either missing features or I don't like how they look

But Boost was my favorite for Reddit so I'm also waiting for that and then I'll see if I stay on the web app or move to Boost or maybe try a new one

I just use lemmy.blahaj.zone as a Brave home screen app

And the best part is that you get to support Brave by mining cryptocurrency for them whenever you use it

I have all the crypto stuff disabled. I've seen people say that Brave makes their GPU usage go crazy but they never go into much detail and in those posts there's always half of the comments saying they have the same issue and the other half saying they dont, maybe they have the brave tokens enabled? I don't know much about crypto but I suppose that could be the issue

Anyway I just use it because I saw Brave had a new search engine and I wanted to try it and then I forgot to switch back to whatever I was using before. But I don't have any issues with Brave and I don't have a reason to use a different one right now so I'll keep using Brave for now

Wish it was on Android :( I've tried a bunch but none of them are great. The closest was wefwef, but being a web app has it's problems. I think I'm going back to Jerboa for now.

Been using Memmy since I moved away from Reddit and love it. Might be time to pick up Swift so I can help the dev.

It's built in react native iirc

That’s cool! I thought it was all Swift but I checked the GitHub and yeah it’s using react-native. Hopefully that’ll mean cross platform support is planned in the future.