14 Post – 108 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Crowder says stupid words specifically designed to provoke a reaction from people.

196ers react to it.

we had a phrase for how to respond to this type of person/provocation, back in the day. something about food and trolls... but it's long forgotten 😐️

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

we're experts at claiming to be expertised. how do you know? because of how confidently i just claimed to be an expert.

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y'all peel your bananas? wtf

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my favorite is whenever i encounter the phrase "non-permitted protest". like, the idea that you should ask permission from the authority you're protesting before doing so: it's just so laughably missing the point

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bzzzt. "single-handedly" might be read as "not a team player". talk about how you "led a team that performed the upgrade" instead, or if that's not true, maybe you "worked with stakeholders" (i.e. you texted your roommate "i replaced the light btw").

me when i take too long to put my seatbelt on in the passenger seat so the car beeps at me and i decide “well if you’re going to treat me like that then i’d better not put the belt on” so it beeps LOUDER and i decide “well if that’s how it is i’m just walking away” but it won’t let me unlock the door while the car’s in motion so i have to pull the e-brake to get it to stop but they know doing that without a seatbelt can be fatal so was there ever really a choice to begin with

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will 2024 finally be the year of Linux on the car?

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what are you quoting? are there more images in this post and my client's just showing me the first one?

people who get paid to shave ants, no less

have you tried turning it off and on again?

honestly i never would have noticed it had i not been primed by the question.

as for marketing, there's a lot of inconsistency. you've got the Gerbers and Tony the Tigers of the world, completely blind to how things might be misinterpreted, and you've got the Wendy's of the world, who 100% know what they're doing. Venom? dunno enough to place them in one camp or the other.

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i’m beginning to suspect the devs in this space are in some secret competition over which of them can get us to say the silliest words with complete sincerity

we’re conversing via a communications system where at least the very top portion is free of exploitation and coercion. probably is hosted on an operating system also free from that coercion. not to be all techbro, but it’s kinda like we’ve achieved this in one specific niche and completely failed to apply it to anything real/useful (i.e. “the stuff that could kill you in its absence”).

i used to contribute a LOT to the 3d printing space ten years ago: at the time it seemed like the way to bridge that (half the parts in my machine were built with a friend using his machine). i still think there’s something “there”, that we can build parallel systems that won’t be captured or killed by the existing powers rather than solely embracing destruction, but it’s just a long game. how long has the capitalist system had to develop? anything else has to endure nearly that same amount of catchup until it can provide for us in any way you would embrace.

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now that every computer has a built-in mic i wonder if the kids these days even know about the "plug the headphones into the line in and speak into the left cup" i'm-too-cheap-for-a-microphone microphone trick. definitely recorded more than one video this way.

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i'm finally asking it: what's with this trend of stacking watermarks/tags after they're already unreadable? is it an automatic thing? or some 200 IQ type of irony?

wait, they’re called Tums because they’re for your tumtum? i learn so much from this site

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i was gonna extend this to a swatting analogy until i remembered that receiving uninvited/anonymous pizza deliveries is actually a real form of harassment.

Democrats too. half the country lost a pretty significant right to their own bodily autonomy that they'd taken foregranted for basically their entire life. and they just... rolled over and took it? that's about the most concrete domestic loss they've taken this century, and more concrete than anything else on the table right now, so i honestly don't know what would have to happen in order for the left to do anything meaningfully violent.

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you know just like the “i’m apolitical” copout, there’s a similar copout along the lines of “well i voted (and didn’t do shit all other than that), so my hands are clean”.

feel free to crosspost it. if you're using Lemmy through the browser there's an icon with two squares at the top of this post to do it in a way that lets the Seinfeld people know it was crossposted from here, in case they're hungry for more memes.

dare i say, this man sounds a bit unmoored

but in practice it’s the opposite. electric cars have set the precedent that cars being serviceable only by the manufacturer is OK. ICE automobiles are on their way to being banned in a decade or two. that’s a huge opportunity for automakers to bring practices like these to the wider market, and policy makers will defend them because it’s hard to say “yes to electric cars, but only if …”

big whoop, i can do that too

back pocket gang sound off:

but what drugs?

oh i get it. it's a sticker.

whenever a bird chirps you hear the actual meaning of its song, as if it were shouted at you in your native tongue.

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if you've found a few legitimately bad actors here, then ban them and move on. don't burn the place down.

when i see someone from one space advise about how to safely access procedures or drugs that are illegal in some country, and then i tab to 196 to see that same person on the receiving end of the most harshly worded accusations of transphobia, i'm sort of at a loss for how to respond to that.

could you make it any more obvious?

curious your reasoning because from a hierarchy of needs i'd put food as more fundamental than most of healthcare/medicine (i.e. preventive care, quality-of-life care; ER services and life-threatening sicknesses could be as immediate as food though)... plus the cost of some baseline of universal food is surely a lot lower than universal healthcare.

the anime has more stereotypical fetishes. (slightly) less piss, more gigantic boobs. i did enjoy the art style (it's got the whole neon color palette thing going on, almost like Steven Universe of all things) but tbh if you disliked the manga i don't think you'd like the anime either.

how do you build a restaurant under the sea? expert carpenters.
where do you find expert carpenters? Lazy Town.

just think about it, that's all i'm trying to say here.

cute art style 😻

boys boys be my boy (what character is this)

i retract that statement. you people feed me lies.

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