Hamas tried to send fighters to Egypt in ambulances for wounded Gazans — US official

mwguy@infosec.pub to World News@lemmy.world – 141 points –
Hamas tried to send fighters to Egypt in ambulances for wounded Gazans — US official

Hamas tried to sneak its fighters out of the Gaza Strip in ambulances that evacuated dozens of wounded Palestinians to Egypt earlier this week, a senior Biden administration official said Friday.

Hamas had compiled a list of the seriously wounded that it wanted to evacuate from Gaza for treatment in Egypt, along with thousands of foreign nationals looking to flee the enclave.

The list was then vetted by Egypt and the United States, which found that a third of the names on it were of Hamas fighters, the administration official said, adding that the list was rejected and none of the 76 wounded Palestinians who were ultimately evacuated in ambulances out of Gaza were members of the terror group.


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What happens when someone is arrested? That’s what.

so what do you do with them? hold them indefinitely?

I mean usually that's what due process is like. You can also execute them, but that's usually considered a war crime.

Not really tho, if they are terrorists and not soldiers

Technically Hamas is the government of Palestine, albeit no election for many years, what defines soldier vs terrorist if the terrorists are working for the government?