1 Post – 248 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

A senior member of Hamas has hailed the systematic slaughter of civilians in Israel

When asked whether this meant the complete annihilation of Israel, Hamas replied: “Yes, of course.”

who still thinks hamas are the good guys?

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I wonder what percentage of their rapidly diminishing military might is being used to block foreigners from leaving? seems like a poor allocation of resources... unless there's something they dont want the foreigners to tell the outside world?

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gaza is the location, hamas are the terrorists that govern it

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rofl. china has "food safety" fears?! omfg, my sides.

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or, you know, just switch to linux. several distros are basically just as usable out of box as anything microsoft has released.

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that's awful - being unable to get closure

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how else would he be able to prove to the Russians that he's still a strong leader, deserving of power?

they're probably justified to be worried - a lot of tensions in the area & abusing tensions is a useful ploy in warfare.

glad to hear that he's not at large - but it's unfortunate he wont be forced to stand trial and brought to justice for his crimes.

the reality is that if companies have remote employees, they dont need commercial real estate. if companies dont need commercial real estate, a GIANT BUBBLE that will dwarf the subprime fuckups in 2008 happens & tens of billions of dollars in commercial real estate will rapidly lose value. anyone holding that property will see their assets plummet like someone jumping out of the 70th floor of a Wall St building.

if anything, the pandemic taught us that 90%+ of employees who could work in an office downtown (or wherever) can work just as well at home. Schwarzman's ass is on the line.

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the world has never truly been at peace though - maybe prior to the evolution of bacteria, but I doubt it.

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eh, anything Apple says about direct competition is a lie. every time

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that's really unfortunate. if only the private country clubs could afford to repair the golf greens in the desert.

yeah I'm mid transition myself - probably switch for good when win10 goes EoL. I tried win11 and hate it.

aka "our society is fucked"

many cities have absolutely terribad traffic.

that's hamas's position, yes.

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interestingly enough, there wouldnt actually be any fighting if hamas hadnt attacked.

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actually it's a tactical flanking maneuver - unless hamas manages to anchor their forces to terrain that's impassible they're basically fucked - but since everything in Gaza is susceptible to saturation bombing, they're entirely fucked.

unconditional surrender is the smart play

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eh... its going to be easier to just wait for him to die of old age and then see if Russia fractures further, or not.

Xinjiang? China's experiment with state-sanctioned "reeducation" camps? that Xinjiang?

not sure how that's similar at all, but please, do go on.

someone had to make history by sinking a company like he did. object lesson in what not to do...

they're making a lot of money - or will, soon enough

oh no!


when did Israel do something like this, hmm?

chinese military reports are almost as reliable as japanese navy reports in 1945

eh, I dont listen to terrorists

what does that mean in this context though? got curious so I looked it up:

the ICC does not have its own police force or enforcement body; thus, it relies on cooperation with countries worldwide for support

is the UN going to force open the border and then guard the convoy? no - the UN is basically powerless here. Arab majority countries in the area that really hate Israel (Iran, some members of the Arab League, etc) might get pressured into doing something, but I rather suspect they wont stick their necks out for a tiny bit of land on the wrong side of the Israeli border - the amount of risk involved isnt really worth it.

no, even if the ICC did rule against Israel, it really wouldnt change anything. this feels more like some nobody prosecutor trying to make a name for himself. it's cheap and easy PR.

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when your addiction to Lego goes so far that you're cooking meth to pay the bills...

how does vaccine misinformation lead to only 7% of adults taking the most recently available vaccination? there's either some other reason (or a few other reasons) or 93% of people subconsciously desire a return of the pandemic. it cant be that, can it? maybe it's partially availability or lack thereof, but it seems like that cant be the only reason.

vaccinations protect us when everyone we interact with gets vaccinated. that's how it works.... right?

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not sure that getting fired is a suitable punishment for removing posters, but the removal of posters about missing children is a heinous thing, social ostracization is a more fitting reward.

aka terrorists do terrorist things

you're not wrong, they totally could - but not at a profit margin the board/stockholders will accept. really glad I dont have any investments in commercial real estate.

yeah, assuming there's enough left to get buried at all. my condolences for your situation

Bachelor Chow! now with flavor!!!

What the fuck is wrong with those guys?


lol that installation was crazy simple! thanks!!

lolwat?! they had no chance to do that. what's going on now is basically directly their fault. wow.

you know how bad news spreads faster than good news, or why clickbait is a successful tactic? same idea.

market yourself as a computer hardware/software repair guy at all of the nursing homes/retirement communities in the area. market it towards your target demographic, using font styles and language that they'd be familiar with in the 1960s - 1980s. be sure to show up clean shaven with a tie. be polite - yes mam/yes sir. charge through the nose.

I bet you could build up a significant dental fund within 6 to 8 months.