Hamas blocks foreign nationals from leaving Gaza

gedaliyah@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 342 points –
Hamas blocks foreign nationals from leaving Gaza

"Officials said that Israel and Egypt were prepared to let foreigners leave the Strip which is under heavy Israeli bombardment, but Hamas had refused."


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I wonder what percentage of their rapidly diminishing military might is being used to block foreigners from leaving? seems like a poor allocation of resources... unless there's something they dont want the foreigners to tell the outside world?

It's not like they ever had a chance of winning considering their definition of winning is driving the Jews into the sea. Their whole purpose is to fuck shit up and cause maximum damage and this makes sense in that context.

that's their endgame? how does that work when they're surrounded on all sides (counting the sea)?

If you want an actual answer they want the Islamic world to unite and kill everyone else, it's been a pretty constant theme for a while now from middle Eastern terror groups.

That's why the fundamentalists in change (and not living in Gaza) wanted to commit an attack Israel could not ignore, nation's like Saudi Arabia and Jordan we're getting on too well with Israel and that would ruin their chances for a middle Eastern caliphate...

ah, a pipe dream then. gotcha. yeah, caliphates arent going to make a comeback.

Yes, they're funding terrorism based on an absurd pipedream that they use to maintain their own power, sadly a very common story.

Not while America is willing to invade and bomb anyone that tries, and everyone around them when they do.

Pretty sure their definition of winning is not getting genocide by said Jews

Then think again. They literally say what their goal is - a forceful end to Israel. And that nothing less will be enough - and that they'll keep killing civilians until that goal is met.

From the footage at Rafah, feels like hundreds of foreign nationals are gathered waiting an okay from Israel and Egypt. I don't see WHY Hamas would even care to stop Palestinian Americans from leaving to the states.

Hamas intends to use those people as leverage to get their home countries to exert pressure on Israel. Hamas is basically taking them hostage.

Is there any source for that idea, or that this is actually happening? The only source for this article are US officials, who are full-throated allies of Israel, so there likely could be a bias. Telegraph is widely known as biased.

I'm just saying that a group that has taken ACTUAL hostages certainly isn't above using foreign nationals as quasi-hostages to pressure other countries to exert influence on Israel to get them to stop shelling Gaza.


It's not like that stops Israel from butchering civilians anyway, so again how does this work?

To downvoters: It's a fact that Israel is killing civilians while trying to kill Hamas fighters. After killing nearly 8.5k civilians, they got maybe a couple of dozen of Hamas fighters "dead", but how would they even be able to confirm it when they aren't in Gaza? It's a known indisputable fact that the so-called "human shield" used by Hamas has never stopped and will never stop Israel from shooting or bombing the civlian population.

But again, it's because "proximity shielding" is something countries made up so they can do genocide or accomplish whatever urban warfare goal while at the same time not giving a single fuck about the lives of civilians or hostages in that area.

Their intent is that by their "martyring" Palestinian civilians, they'll be able to use their deaths as PR against Israel.

Yes, that is a cynical take. That's how Hamas operates.

I think there was no intent. I think Israel used proximity shielding like the US did as an excuse to kill civilians.

why do you people think Israel wants to kill civilians? Do you really think the IDF is just hundreds of thousands of monsters who love killing? What is wrong with you people?

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They don't see the Palestinians, they see the Americans, and Americans are hostages and also decadents who deserve being knocked down a peg

Hmmm... Pretty sure the majority of those looked like American Palestinians. They are not bargaining chips since not even their own government cared enough to lift a finger and get them out.

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Hamas doesn't need to do anything. All they have to do is say nobody's getting out, which means the IDF can assume anyone running towards the exit is a terrorist making an attack. I think any foreign nationals that would ever travel to Gaza know better than to approach Israeli forces for help.

If there's anyone that doesn't want the outside world to know what's up, ask the folks who recently cut off internet access to Gaza. Who was it? It wasn't Hamas.

Do you seriously think Israel shut off internet to hide what's inside? Do you know satellites exist? Do you know cameras exist? How in the world was that preventing anyone from seeing into Gaza?

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None. This is the Telegraph a known israeli propaganda outlet. Israel is literally bombing the border crossing and this newspaper is telling you that Hamas is the one responsible for it.

"palestianians". use. human. fucking. shields. fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck.

Israel will strike an area and kill hundreds of people. If there are males 16-30 killed they will say they were militants often, and that the civilians were collateral damage due to the use of proximity shielding. They do not go in and verify whether or not the people killed were militants. This is an age old tactic, the US would do the same to shift blame for atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I know as far back as the Vietnam War too. I'm sure even before that

not incorrect, but it's a common tactic used in Asymmetrical Warfare that is seen in the Levant when one side dwarf the other in conventional military size and strength

is it honorable? no, but it one of the few tactics hamas has in operating against Israel

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