32 Post – 465 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Ad Blocking is cyber security

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Water is the main component of any and every beverage

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The US has spent at least 80 Billion dollars arming and supporting Ukraine in it's defense against Russian genocidal aggression and Western expansion that puts the entire NATO block in jepordy, why is Elon fucking Musk allowed to put his thumb on the scale in favor of the enemy? Why isn't anyone in the Biden administration tearing him a new asshole form stem to stern, why isn't anyone in the Biden administration publicly discussing nationalizing Starlink. We're literally throwing money into conflict (for absolutely necessary, vital, and justified reason) that one man is deciding the outcomes of, and the United States government is just ..... what .... ok with this?

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I haven't watched an ad on youtube for at least the last 5 years. Ad blocking is cyber security.

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hahahahah i'd like to see that nazi fuck try, see him wade through discovery, the ADL was built for this shit, it's their very reason for being

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Blaming the Jews for your problems, problems you yourself have caused and continue to cause, precisely what Musk is doing here, is the very dictionary definition of antisemitism

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littlejohn is what a patriot looks like because what he did is what patriots are supposed to do in the face of fascism

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Bullshit. Institutionalized racism, misogyny, homophobia, and white Christian separatism as party platform. No matter how "conservative" Republicans claimed to be, The Southern Strategy was the core value and singular driving force for the past 60 years. MAGA isn't a symptom, it's result

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only three years for violently attacking a police officer while also committing an act of insurrection inside the nations capital, what the fucking motherfucking fuck is this bullshit

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hahahahahaha, Fulton County Georgia is gonna get and release mug shots on every single one of these motherfuckers, and the court cases are going to be televised, ahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

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suspended? lol, this is the united states of godamn fucking america here, dude interfered directly with gestapo tactics against freedom of the press, he should be fired, and brought up on criminal charges, right fucking meow

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Continuing to use Twitter doesn't automatically make you a Nazi, it just means that Nazism isn't a dealbreaker for you

You matter. If You Don't Matter You Energy.

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7 years after 2016, and Trump coming down that fake golden escalator: ya think?

During 2016 election The New York Times published thousands of stories about Clinton email/Benghazi, not one on Trumps lifelong ties to NY/Russian mob. As if The New York Times wasn't in a particularly knowledgeable position to report on 70 years of NYC construction & mob history

he packed the court, he personally killed roe, and he gives americans they hate the most, women/brown people/homosexuals nightmares. he is their god. they don't care about anything else. racists would throw their own children into fire if it meant mud people might get it worse than they have it now. it really is that simple.

They swear an oath to uphold The Constitution of the United States of America

Intuit is not your friend or ally, or anyone you want to do business with, or have an account on their many myriad of financial web sites, which they are gobbling up all the time

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I want ANC so powerful it blocks out my intrusive thoughts

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I'd switch to self hosting, but the owners a real lazy son of a bitch

simply begging for antitrust charges

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on purpose. by design. with intent.

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"can't stop falling" as if this isn't on purpose by design. i loathe passive aggressive both sides bullshit like this in headlines, which should read, Trump packed Supreme Court simply making shit up to destroy American Secular Egalitarian Democracy

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this man was so humble and so accommodating after his loss the last time around, he showed his worth as one who believes in democracy, elections, and the rule of law. he's a good bet to unseat handjob barbie this next go around.

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wouldn't matter if it wasn't, ukraine as a free nation is worth saving

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Not buying her newfound reverence for Democracy and Government, She and her Daddy built THIS GOP.

Institutionalized racism, misogyny, homophobia, and white Christian separatism as party platform. No matter how "conservative" Republicans claimed to be, The Southern Strategy was the core value and singular driving force for the past 60 years. MAGA isn't a symptom, it's result

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yep. Institutionalized racism, misogyny, homophobia, and white Christian separatism as party platform. No matter how "conservative" Republicans claimed to be, The Southern Strategy was the core value and singular driving force for the past 60 years. MAGA isn't a symptom, it's result

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never discount what one person publicly defying oppression means to those suffering under it

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sourcing an article from fox "news" is insane, so many other places for the same story. fuck fox. really.

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there it is. no notes.

Steel fucking balls like this are so rare, and appreciated, best of luck to her

If you don't vote for Biden, you are straight fucking trash, man

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Ice Cube is a virulent unrepentant Farrakhan antisemite, he hates and disparages me, my family, and my people. Seeing him used as a source of amusement or toughness or worse hero worship, in a post, is terribly offensive.

Fuck Ice Cube, he's a racist piece of shit.

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yes, that's the point

If only the guy that ultimately drives the bus that takes Trump to jail is named Brandon

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Kari Lake and all her adherents are cunts. Joe Rogan and every single one of his fans are cunts. This isn't rocket science.

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If you don't vote for Joe Biden for President in 2024, fuck you forever, you are straight fucking trash, chief

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lol, what? Ad Blocking doesn't protect you from being discovered committing piracy, VPN's do

it's here it's real and it's glorious

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What this does, obviously, is move the overton window, making SOME lethal violations of NATO soverignty and defense acceptable. Russia uses this tactic to push the "red lines" further out, which allows for yet more lethal "whoopsies". It's the "I really really mean it this time" game of chicken with Russia teabagging NATO.

If you're confused why Joe Biden is doing this, you don't understand the American form of government, how no one party can achieve anything on it's own without consensus, and that the hyper partisan fuck it all Republicans must be wooed, and have their balls cupped, in order to be soothed and tricked into thinking they really don't need to be so destructive, and that is what Joe Biden does, then you don't know much, and you don't know Joe Biden. He's been doing exactly this for the last 5 decades in elected office, and he's really really really fucking good at it.

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