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Joined 12 months ago

ghost riding the apocalypse cuz there's no way off this ride

Get up and go to the bathroom before the bill comes, but after everything has been ordered. On the way, away from the table and your friend, give the waiter your card and ask them to run the bill.

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the dog enjoyed it, the parade was at least worth something

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It's not that they didn't know what would happen to us.
It's that they didn't care what would happen to us.

Compost them first then you can eat the rich while also being vegan = Billions and billions of carbons.

There was never a chance for compromise. This was about money; a premature, over blown, knee jerk, pie-in-the-sky hope to cash in on free expert input based on decades of good will interactions performed for free by people who cared about their subject matter.

I deleted every comment I'd ever made and left pretty much immediately. They can eat their own shit.

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Either that or you're right with a galosh.

it's just going to exponentiate from here. we've only been on the curve of the hockey stick so far. about to be vertical

It's expensive. And, a lot of times people are inconsiderate. There are bad smells. Sticky floors. Screaming children. Can't pause and go to the refrigerator or bathroom.

A lot of people like it. Maybe you will, too. Try it. But, I prefer to stay home and wait to watch movies in the comfort of my own home.

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Georgian COBOL on a Babbage engine powered by a water wheel from a now defunct diversion of the Hudson being bandied around like it's the latest fucking macOS. The decals are clearly peeling, but the world's on fire and everyone has stock they don't want to sell yet, so we're riding this ship to bedrock and that's final, mister.

you're right, but i won't. don't want to get stuck moderating. know how that movie ends

Trying to find the tiny "show more results" button sandwiched between the first page of shit results and the weird AI bubbles of shit results just to find semi-decent shit on pages 2-3 makes me wish i was dead every single time.

The dead walk. Zombies have arrived. They are us.


There's reason to believe there are specific benefits from smoking tobacco. It's just that they are pretty much always outweighed by the negative effects of smoking in the long term.

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The dead walk. Zombies have arrived. They are us.

i quit and i'm not going to start again cuz quitting was really hard, but smoking is fucking amazing if it weren't for the side effects.
that's just reality.
i'm still not sure quitting is going to be a net gain in years and quality of life with how much smoking helped regulate my mental health.

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Enjoying anything. Everything is terrible. How dare I...? But seriously. Everything is terrible.

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This would be better posted in !support@lemmy.world

You're welcome.

I quit after over 20 years. It was really, really hard. I still crave them. Won't start again, just because quitting was so incredibly difficult. But, yeah. I, uh, think about it... Both sides of it.

Be aware, I cherry picked the information you had asked for from a much larger work. Just "Chapter 3 - The health effects of active smoking" has 37 sections. Everyone but the one I linked above has a list of negative effects. Have a look at the rest of it, too.

Chapter 3 Index: https://www.tobaccoinaustralia.org.au/chapter-3-health-effects

Don't just confirm your biases. Look at the whole picture.

Wish you the best.

upped for stolen sauces. rice and stolen taco bell packets kept me from starving back when 17 and kicked out of the house for the 2nd time.

a little salad and endless bready

Cherish the richness of the experience. Don't try to get over it. Hold every little detail tightly in your heart. The pain, the love, the loss, the ecstasy. All of it. Soon enough we'll all be nothing at all.
It only hurts because it was worth it. Don't let yourself forget a single thing.

(and the tighter you hold on, the faster the sharp edges will wear away because nothing at all is ever even slightly fair.)

Rich people don't want to sell their stocks yet. So we all can't act like adults and admit everything is fucked or their fake assets will start to lose value before they've convinced you to become so invested in the charade that you're willing to buy them.

fair enough. honestly don't care. reddit can get fucked. their mods were always shit birds. they can get fucked too.

if i were any more isolated i'd be ted kaczynski

You use the analogy of people staying in an abusive relationship and then say "one shouldn’t feel sorry for them." Should we also not feel sorry for people on the receiving end of an abusive relationship? This whole post doesn't make any sense.

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