Does one have to be an iconoclast or revolutionary these days to be validly left? I consider myself to be left of center, and very much in favor of progressive policies. to – 69 points –

However I find myself being disagreed with quite often, mostly for not advocating or cheering violence, "by any means possible" change, or revolutionary tactics. It would seem that I'm not viewed as authentically holding my view unless I advocate extreme, violent, or radical action to accomplish it.

Those seem like two different things to me.




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I'm not totally well versed in global politics, tbh. Exploiting people is wrong no matter how you slice it; I wasn't aware of the exploit of southern nations for Nordic gain.

Consider reading Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism. It might help clarify how Capitalism actually functions in the modern era.

Maybe I am a confused liberal as one commenter mentions, but only in terms of what box I fit in. I know what I want. Equality and justice for all people. Freedom to earn a bit extra if we apply ourselves. Not so much extra that we are engorged ticks on society, amassing more money that you could ever spend in several life times.

Stock-standard Socialist/Communist take, if you care.

I'm not willing to go with violence to achieve these ends, because that quickly turns into a feeding frenzy and 'justice' is indiscriminate and often in the hands of people who should not be administering.

Nobody is advocating for Leftists to randomly go sicko-mode. Revolution is a consequence, not an action.

My viewpoint is entirely irrelevant because my country is on the point of electing populists, and what I desire may as well be the fucking moon

The through-line of Leftism is organizing. Join a union, or an org! Try to build up dual-power.

Thanks for the resource and general info.

Also, huge thanks for not beating me over the head with strong opinions, and acting more of a guide/talking rationally on a hot button topic on lemmy.

In return I offer Panopticon: his music is bluegrass influenced metal with heavy anticapitalistic lyrics, from Kentucky of all places.

Careful exploring his music. Some of it goes from light and relaxing to bludgeoning you with metal within the same song. I recommend his Kentucky album to start.

Thanks for the resource and general info.

Also, huge thanks for not beating me over the head with strong opinions, and acting more of a guide/talking rationally on a hot button topic on lemmy.

No problem! I try to be more chill.

In return I offer Panopticon: his music is bluegrass influenced metal with heavy anticapitalistic lyrics, from Kentucky of all places.

I've listened to The Rime of Memory dozens of times, haha. If you like Metal, try Hostile Architecture by Glasgow band Ashenspire, and God's Country by Oklahoma City band Chat Pile.

Just chiming in to say Panopticon is great. I enjoyed the civility of the discussion here, as well.

Civility is how you change minds, provided you have a well thought out point of view