What are some good TV series crime/drama/thriller?

lidd1ejimmy@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 53 points –

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My time to shine has come!

"The killing" with Joel Kinnaman and Meirelle Enos. Two detectives try to solve a murder case.

"The fall" with Jamie Dornan and Gillian Anderson. A father with a dark and unsettling history.

"Mare of Easttown" with Kate Winslet and Evan Peters. Local detective invetigates a complicated case.

"Inside man" with Stanley Tucci. A detective gets help from an unexpected person.

Sorry for the crappy overviews.

Those are some of my favorites and I have watched them more than once.

you've always shined my friend!

Dude, this looks like exactly what I was looking for as I've never watched any of these and that is rare. Thank you even included a high level plot overview as well, lemmy can't be matched!

You are in for a treat!

I am glad I could share something interesting with you.

As a fan of all those shows (except the last which I haven’t seen yet, thanks for the tip!) this guy nails it. Those are all great picks! I will add I really liked season 1 of ‘The Sinner’ was excellent. I can’t say I loved the rest of the series as much as season 1.

The sinner season 1 was great! Jessica Biel surprised me with her character but it's the little sister that does it for me. Have you watched "Sharp objects" with Amy Adams? I love how gritty and sordid it is. Kinda slow at first butvthen it picks up quickly for a riveting ending.

“The killing”

Consider watching the Danish original instead though :)

Oh I will look it up for sure! Thanks for the suggestion.