Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal to – 461 points –
Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal

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Wasn't there just a report from a few days ago that it was closer to 300?

The report says that Valve has ~350 employees total, and of those employees only 80 actually work on Steam as a storefront. The rest are working on their games and hardware.

So they have people working on their games? HL-3 confirmed!

They have other games in the works. I'm in the alpha or beta now? Of their overwatch like called deadlock.

That's total employees at Valve. This is a subset of those that work on Steam.

It's very impressive. Although it explains why the remote streaming and controller stuff is so GD buggy.

Theres probably like 3 guys total working on them. Maybe not even full-time.