Jill Stein: 'Biden can end the Gaza war with 1 phone call'

Linkerbaan@lemmy.worldbanned from community to politics @lemmy.world – -42 points –

US presidential candidate, Jill Stein, says because of AIPAC's $100 million funding of the US election, it has become ''politically toxic' to speak out against the genocide in Gaza.

‘If we have concerns about the right to life before birth, how about a right to life after birth,’ she said in reference to Israel’s killing of innocent children and the elderly in Gaza. US President Joe Biden 'can end this war with a phone call’, she added.


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It could be a thousand times worse than what it is under Biden. I wouldn't put it past Trump to put our own troops in the fight. He's said Israel got attacked because they got soft and they need to finish the job because they're losing the PR war. Biden has delayed arms shipment in opposition to the House Republicans. So although I don't condone Biden's response to the genocide, I do feel that it will be incomparably worse for the Palestinians if Trump wins again. Even if the House flips Democratic he has the SCOTUS ruling on absolute immunity for core Constitutional functions like commanding the military.

Biden said he will defend israel if they start a war with Iran. Every threat that Trump poses is already fulfilled by Joe Biden.

Biden has not delayed anything. He just released the bombs beacuse israel was starting to run out.

Israeli Generals, Low on Munitions, Want a Truce in Gaza

followed by

Biden administration to allow paused shipment of 500-pound bombs to be sent to Israel

He postured for a bit and then got on his knees for Netanyahu. Biden is an ideological Zionist that fully supports the Genocide. He is doing everything Netanyahu tells him to. It cannot get much worse.

The reason we don't have a war with Iran is because israel knows they will get destroyed by Iranian rockets, not because they don't think Biden will back them up.