evergreen meme

db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com to Lefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.com – 743 points –

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You're supporting the cristofascists winning the election by trying to convince anyone who cares to not vote against it happening. You are supporting the cristofascist plan.

Everyone on lemmy knows that people who call themselves tankies or leftists are going to argue until the sun comes up for whatever it is that some fascist dictator wants using whatever crazy logic or appeal to emotion there is, and will argue in the strongest possible terms against people using their vote to prevent a worse catastrophe. I'm not an accelerationist. You argue like one.

You're supporting the cristofascists winning the election by trying to convince anyone who cares to not vote against it happening. You are supporting the cristofascist plan.

People should vote for antifascist politicians, not christofascist enablers.

Everyone on lemmy knows that people who call themselves tankies or leftists are going to argue until the sun comes up for whatever it is that some fascist dictator wants using whatever crazy logic or appeal to emotion there is, and will argue in the strongest possible terms against people using their vote to prevent a worse catastrophe. I'm not an accelerationist. You argue like one.

Genuinely don't understand this incoherent rant.