[Mega thread] - Biden ends bid for presidency

Thekingoflorda@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 1030 points –

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Biden just endorsed Kamala, so that much is likely. The VP will probably be one from a shortlist of 5 or so governors/senators from swing states.

Maybe, but then the swing state could end up with a GOP governor. That's one reason why VPs are often from safe seats, eg Harris, Pence, Biden, Palin, Quayle...

The shortlist I've seen thrown around a lot so far is pretty much Whitmer, Shapiro, Cooper, and Kelly. Maybe someone like Beshear, but I'd call that slightly lower odds than the others. I think they will probably lean away from a 2 woman ticket too

This is why I'm really hoping they don't pick Shapiro. Having three democratic governors in a row is a fluke in PA and I don't think we'd avoid getting a Republican next.