[Mega thread] - Biden ends bid for presidency

Thekingoflorda@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 1030 points –

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And a lot of swing voters will probably like that she was a prosecutor, a "law and order" type.

I think most of the "law and order" types might have a bigger problem with her being a black woman.

She aint "black" as much as "brown." Its an incredibly stupid hair to split, but indians are generally considered a "model minority" by racists, so it will likely hurt her but not as much as you may think.

Isn't she half-black and half-Indian? Or am I mistaken on that?

Regardless, the flame out of Bobby Jindal shows what those folks think of Indians anyway.

No, you're right. I honestly forgot she was half black.

I guess I hope the "moderate" racists do as well.