Joe Biden ends re-election campaign to – 1583 points –
Joe Biden ends re-election campaign

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I personally just said last week that I believed only Biden was capable of beating Trump, so I’m feeling pretty sick right now. God, I hope I’m wrong.

We haaaaaavvvvvve to see this example and set a damn age limit for people to hold such high positions in our country. Old dude may have very well just sent us down an irreversible and utterly destructive path by seeking the office in the first place.

I know Bernie Sanders is old too, but damn I wish he had won the nomination. We wouldn’t be in this crisis right now. Still though, it’s a gamble electing people who are already waist deep in their grave.


What a strange and historic month this has been. We’re all living in a very big moment in history right now, just, all the way around.

I agree. Age limit for senators, state representatives, presidents and supreme court members.