Joe Biden ends re-election campaign to – 1583 points –
Joe Biden ends re-election campaign

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A 2-woman ticket would never work. It's going to be very dicey having a woman leading the ticket with a man as VP, given how sexist the US electorate is.

What's sexist is going on and on about how a woman is unelectable.

Yes, reality is sexist. But, you can't just live in a fantasy land.

A friend of mine was running a restaurant, and before a major business meeting, her 2nd said that he should do all the talking because the other party was sexist and wouldn't listen to a woman.

She fired his ass, rightfully. That is not what progress looks like. Step up and fight against sexism, don't concede to that shit.

A complex vote involving an electoral college and an opposing candidate who is an open fascist isn't quite the same situation as running a restaurant.

You're right. Women deal with sexism in many facets of life. You are the example, not the exception.

Example of what?

Sexism manifest.

Pointing out that the electorate is sexist is sexist. Gotcha.

"The electorate" was racist when Obama ran too, and there were racists saying he shouldn't run too.

Yes, and his win sparked the racist backlash that ended with Trump being elected. Remember that Trump's original political role was the "birther" in chief. But, Obama was male, which meant he had to deal with racism, but not sexism. Clinton had to do with sexism but not racism. Harris will have to deal with both racism and sexism.