[Mega thread] - Biden ends bid for presidency

Thekingoflorda@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 1030 points –

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Bernie Sanders is even older than Biden, he should have been the nominee in 2016 but now it's too late for him

He's older but FAR more mentally capable than Joe was in 2020. Aging affects everyone differently.

I think he'd be suited to the job, but not electable.

Yeah that's totally true, but it's too much of a risk IMO. There will be great candidates like AOC in the future (she has too little experience right now), that might be the ones fulfilling Bernie's dream. Sadly Bernie won't be it

He barely aged since 2016. At least mentally and physically he runs circles around both of the other gramps. Recent interview with Colbert.

Edit: OFC it would be nevertheless delusional to nominate him instead of Harris. He can still influence future democrat policies from the background.