Sexual dimorphism rule to – 615 points –

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You compromised your integrity by jumping to a false conclusion to deal a quick shot at me. That earns me the right to question the validity of your stance. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it back. Too much college can lead to feelings of superiority, but the true tell is how easy you are offended.

“…how easy your are offended.”

Says the person literally frothing at the mouth to say trans women aren’t women under a post about monkey noses.

Dude this image reinforces my point that male is different than females. Up your education level before taking on a topic you can’t fully appreciate.

This image of animated characters and monkeys proves that trans people aren’t real? 💀💀

Oh my god, I can’t handle how stupid you are.

How stupid I am? You can’t even read!

Stoneparchment gave you so much info and you comprehended none of it. Why would anyone engage with you seriously if you won’t return the favor?