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Joined 2 months ago

Seeing his behavior at the RNC recently he is nothing short of a selfish, pompous asshole who thrives on the postitive reinforcement generated from the dumpster fire of his own ego.

Exactly, both parties are continually proving our leaders needs and short sighted visions come first before any benefit makes it to the American people, both parties want bigger government with more control and power.

To try and appease the people who voted them in they will throw bits of effort at altruistic efforts and chunks of change at in demand topics of the public while we barely hang on to the quality of life the people worked so hard to get to the point where it is.

Both parties are corrupted at this point, but one is clearly better than the other. Fascism would tear this country apart at the seams. Democrats need to show better leadership management quickly otherwise they are going to lose this important race.

Yes, the update bricked the systems, meaning the software that powers their business was unaccessible, reinstalling any version of windows would not restore the software built on top of the os. Thus why it became a huge ordeal rather than a simple update push from Microsoft, a bricked system can’t receive a fix remotely.

How am I suppose to act normal at a party now?

As I feared we quickly left the realm of scientific method in favor of misguided correlations backed by opinions and feelings. This is exactly my problem, the pollution of the idea of sex to reach a manufactured state of inclusion at the expense of the scientific method.

Yes, body dysmorphia is a product of nature, it is an unfortunate natural occurence which may or may not serve a greater evolutionary purpose, yes as a society we must try to accommodate all mental illness, but society agrees a violent schizophrenic is dangerous, an autistic or disabled person should have a system of support. Transgender is the first of its kind that I know to demand the dissolution of truth to meet their desired want of acceptance.

But why are you throwing out all the sources your first post established that supports the concept of the distinct differences of inherited sex? There is in fact a species or two of animals that can change gender, humans are not one of them. You have elegantly tiptoed around the necessity of scientific backing to prove your claims by introducing irrelevant facts and making false correlations. Just another academic who has mastered the art of avoiding the truth of the matter.

All in all we share a very similar stance on the biology of the sexes. You are the one that can’t seperate your heart from your mind. Appreciate the discussion, I am built different as I love the satisifcation of being proven wrong. But you can’t provide me that luxury.

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Perfect, than you are who I want to understand.

Let us start off simple, can you describe the foundation of your source material. How are the authors you are reading creating an authority? Are they doing experiments, studies, surveys? Are the results able to be reproduced, are they theoritical, objective or just opinion? Why should I even consider the validity of your evidence?

I am guessing you are smart and will run away from an honest discussion.

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Perhaps a misunderstanding due to societies recent attempt at broadening the concepts of sex and gender with the inclusion of social issues, which has the effect of mudding the waters of understanding and yields interpretations that vary widely as it strays away from science as its base.

I’ll stick with what can be tested, reproduced and proven when it comes to concrete subjects like sexuality. Utilizing truth does not magically solve the current social issues we face, but it does present a base that could achieve a much greater height for society as a whole.

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Great so you agree a transwoman is a man by sex, and a woman by societies new definition of gender. We are totally starting to get each other.

Don’t jump to the wrong conclusion to quickly friends. Truth doesn’t equate to lack of empathy. I have so much respect and sympathy for transgender people and want society to get past treating them as special. But truth is the only thing that can accomplish that.

You compromised your integrity by jumping to a false conclusion to deal a quick shot at me. That earns me the right to question the validity of your stance. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it back. Too much college can lead to feelings of superiority, but the true tell is how easy you are offended.

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To be blunt I was underwhelmed with this story, the punch line is to the face of the reader. It is amusing that their cause for survival was from the light side of human nature, their controversial actions go against the expected outcome but their attitude is what ends up saving them.

Reminds me of “Tortilla Flats” by John Steinbeck, the group weren’t bright and loved to party, I won’t spoil how it ends up for them.

Not everyone appreciates the acquisition of knowledge which is the tougher path than blissful ignorance, all I want is proof backed with science. What mechanism is at work for you to know with certainity I am wrong when I say I can turn metal into gold?

I support transpeople, I am against sacrificing truth and the protections put in place to protect gender. Just like I am against turning an entire parking lot into handicap spaces.

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Great, appreciate the clarification and book recommendation which I added to my reading list. Can’t help but notice the sources and tidbits are part of what I agree is knowledge that can be gained by studying animals. My original point reinforces we share the same view here. I want science to be the guiding factor in social affairs.

To concentrate on the well established insight gained from animal studies completely steps over the sensitive topic you know I intended, which is the degradation of the science behind sexual fluidity. The only group (and loudest) that is relevant here is transgender.

So if you please I would love to hear the science behind an ability for an organism to change an inherited trait. Is a transgender woman a man or woman?

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Dude this image reinforces my point that male is different than females. Up your education level before taking on a topic you can’t fully appreciate.

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Oh my god, I can’t handle how stupid you are.

If you are born with brown eyes is it possible to change them to blue?

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If the science is right prove it objectively without using your immature feelings on the subject.

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But I am speaking at the funamental level, a brown eye tortured into become blue is still a malformed brown eye. An operation doesn’t change your DNA nor the origin of what you are.

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Then you would know DNA is decided at conception as an immutable state, it doesn’t change, every cell in your body holds a complete copy of your ancestors spliced DNA sequences. That is the science, gender is a part of this makeup. A human can only pretend to change their inherited characteristics.

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Until a transgender person can conceive offspring in their reversed role, the facts prove you are wrong. I will grant you the opportunity to abstract the concept of gender but you can’t prove to me the essential puzzle piece I am after, a human body cannot change sex.

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Because I am so stupid please explain the differences between sex and gender.

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I bump the font size way up on my media TV as small text at distance tends to lead to eye strain, but you might have better eyes than me.

To its credit JavaScript has made quite a few improvements to the underlying structure since 2016. JS is one of the most used languages because it is fast to adapt to changing environments along with wide support.

It is not a safe language by any means, it can be easy to fall down holes of unwarranted expectations. Like any language once understanding limitations will open up its power and potential.

It is embarrassing that American politics have become such a selfish individual vehicle for well intentioned leaders that end up corrupted the instance they join the upper tiers of our current national government.

It is why neither party can present a better alternative candidate to a government that was built on the hopes of retaining an integrity to prevent the current shit show of a short term power grab happening now.

While Americans are robbed of over half their hard earned income, our leaders don’t even care that we know they are stuffing their pockets to take away another one of our protections or weaken the dollar or screw over the working class to further extend their margins while keeping this well oiled system running uninterrupted with them staying at the top.

Why are we settling for mediocrity, as the greatest economy in the world, in how our government is run? It is a puppet show at this point, our government seems like an archaic joke when measured up to what should be expected from modern humans who will work nearly a third of their life under the current system.

We deserve better than to be treated as uneducated fools while our protections and quality of life slowly diminish at everyones expense except the ruling class. We are the fools thinking voting into an already corrupted system will change what is wrong at its fundamental level.

No one can match my wit, again proving my title is accurate. How does it feel being picked up by the short bus that arrived here from Reddit? My title remains true.

Poster child? You mean a means of propagating propaganda? A good cause can still be propaganda.

You speak like you have the upper hand, you can’t consolidate my idea just like the others I were discussing with were unable to.

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Sorry bud, silencing my voice was submission that you can’t beat it. You lost the battle let it rest.

To be frank, silencing an honest discussion on a high emotion topic is a sign of weakness and control. I was at the verge of restructuring my understanding to accommodate the information learned from the beauty of discussion.

Have you ever read a work from Plato? Have you ever realized that one of your fundamental beliefs may be wrong?

Surely someone who believes living forever is possible is beneath the mighty weight of your wit.

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I am not falling for your bait, that discussion was won by me before any mutual meaningful understanding was found.

This is the most genuine response yet, thank you for the perspective. As someone who wants to change the world for the better, who wants to see humanity improve; sustaining a blow to my health that took half my life away doesn’t someone have to start somewhere?

I do recognize I am aggressive and a pompous asshole so that doesn’t help any cause besides my desire for everyone to see the beauty in absolute truth.

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I was speaking of the ones that were removed. What you are seeing now is retaliation for silencing a vibrant conversation that was close to finding a mutual understanding at least for me. It was right when I was realizing I may be wrong on certain aspects.

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Dude reddit is terrible, I hate that place now, says a lot about this place though no doubt.

Okay this is a solid comeback. I match the level of intensity and this site is definitely not resonating Shakespeare vibes.

Either I am mistaken and this community is filled with geniuses or I am right and my post title is confirmed.

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Yes waiting on me, thanks peasant for asserting my status in relation to the likes of you. I am going to get my moneys worth, are you able to stop me from that?

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Save me the trouble.

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Look at the ego on this guy, I am the one in the process of terminating this community from my life because I don’t want to associate with losers who barely hold on to an high school level of comprehension they barely can maintain.

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