Sexual dimorphism rule to – 615 points –

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Not everyone appreciates the acquisition of knowledge which is the tougher path than blissful ignorance, all I want is proof backed with science. What mechanism is at work for you to know with certainity I am wrong when I say I can turn metal into gold?

I support transpeople, I am against sacrificing truth and the protections put in place to protect gender. Just like I am against turning an entire parking lot into handicap spaces.

Not everyone appreciates the acquisition of knowledge

You certainly don't.

It has been explained to you that XX doesn't always equal female and XY doesn't always equal male and yet you ignore this as you can't make an argument against it.

It has been explained to you that biological sex is a separate thing to gender, yet again you ignore it as this flies in the face of your argument.

It has been explained to you that sexual dimorphism has so many exceptions that it can't be a rule, but once again, no refutation because you lack any knowledge beyond your desire to feel superior in your belief that you are right.

You say you're not transphobic, but I believe words are cheap, actions are important, and your actions are very telling.

Until a transgender person can conceive offspring in their reversed role, the facts prove you are wrong. I will grant you the opportunity to abstract the concept of gender but you can’t prove to me the essential puzzle piece I am after, a human body cannot change sex.


Damn, how stupid are you?

Because I am so stupid please explain the differences between sex and gender.

No, that's enough stupidity for one night. If you want to know more, read above, read the book suggested to you, touch grass and get a life.

Thanks for finally being clear about your intentions. I was quite interested in what that biologist had to say, so I read much further through this than I normally would have.

Toodles, shitmuncher~