Trump refuses to accept he's not running against Biden anymore to politics – 649 points –
Trump refuses to accept he's not running against Biden anymore

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It's like some kind of badge of honor in his eyes. See, he survived a shooting! Why can't those dang kids survive. For anyone that needs this /s

Meanwhile, the FBI are saying it probably wasn't even a bullet that hit him.

An ear wound isn’t a strong image though. If he got shot in the chest, yes that would look “manly”. I don’t see the ear wrapper and think, wow, what a survivor.

Clearly you have never dealt with a narcissist on a close up basis.

They could have shot him in the butthole and all of a sudden his wounded heroic butthole would be the chief topic of a lot of conversations. I fully expect he’s not gonna let go of his little ear pad until it’s gone on way, way too long.

He's not trying to impress you. You're too smart. He's trying to impress the magats.