Kamala Harris Overtakes Trump in First Major Poll Since Biden Exit From Race

Beaver [she/her]@lemmy.ca to politics @lemmy.world – 916 points –
Kamala Harris Overtakes Trump in First Major Poll Since Biden Exit From Race

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If you don't know that misspoke and exaggeration are the same thing in many contexts, then you just don't have a very strong command of the English language yet.

Says the Russian who wrote "rapicist"

It's called a typo, I'm on my phone. Again, it's no surprise that you have to grasp at tiny, irrelevant things to try to "win". This will keep happening to you until you have something of substance.

Sounds like something someone caught in a lie would say

Yeah if your keyboard was set to natively type English it probably wouldn't let you type that but go on yes I have just zero evidence if you don't count the numerous clues and self contradictions

Try it, see if it works. I have 4 languages my keyboard alternates between. Not everyone using foreign languages is a hired Russian spy. You're youth is adorable.

You are a paid Russian actor if I've ever seen one. Go ahead and pretend that's not a thing, but contrary to the moronic assertion, I'm not 12

If you are 12 then I'm impressed by you. If you are over 22 then I am disappointed.