Kamala Harris Overtakes Trump in First Major Poll Since Biden Exit From Race

Beaver [she/her]@lemmy.ca to politics @lemmy.world – 916 points –
Kamala Harris Overtakes Trump in First Major Poll Since Biden Exit From Race

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Look through my comments. I've called him a lying, stealing, rapist pedo who I detest and I would never consider voting for. Your preconceived notions are falling flat very rapidly.

Lol The only reason I'm still interested in calling your bullshit is that you keep providing evidence that you're a fucking LIAR

You said I'm a fan of trump, I pointed out that this is verifiably false, so you resorted to using all caps to try to prove you must be right.

The implication being that if I'm right, you obviously would be seen directly praising trump. lol

You're mentally lazy af