Kamala Harris Overtakes Trump in First Major Poll Since Biden Exit From Race

Beaver [she/her]@lemmy.ca to politics @lemmy.world – 916 points –
Kamala Harris Overtakes Trump in First Major Poll Since Biden Exit From Race

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You gleefully excuse bidens genocide. If you can brush that under the rug, then you can brush anything under the rug. I don't expect you to all of a sudden examine your own hypocrisy, but maybe if enough people point it out to you, then eventually you will.

It is fascinating that you have switched to thinking trump will be "at least as bad" as biden. That is absolutely a step forward, even if it was just an accidental slip from your party lines.

By the way, yes trump provided some weapons to Israel, you are right. Trump didn't play an active part in genociding the Palestinians or any other people. That's a huge difference.

Trump didn't play an active part in genociding the Palestinians or any other people

Whoops you just "accidentally" wrote trump instead of Biden here!