In his attacks on the ‘childless’ left, JD Vance once hyped a plan to give parents more votes

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In his attacks on the ‘childless’ left, JD Vance once hyped a plan to give parents more votes

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I made no argument for a test.

Your words in your initial post before you made your edit:

In order to vote, I think American voters should have to pass the same history test that immigrants need to in order to gain citizenship

So now you're just lying.

And also, I'm just going to stop reading your posts at the point you start to make them personal. You really aren't getting that I don't give a shit what you think of me.

That's not an argument. It's a statement. Is your bar really that low or are you still just trying to fight?

I won't fight with you. I know too much about you. We've spoken personally on three accounts.

Now you're gaslighting. Statements can be arguments and "I think" statements are arguments because you are giving an opinion. Which I am sure you know, so I'm not sure why you're trying this tack.