Courts close the loophole letting the feds search your phone at the border to – 604 points –
Courts close the loophole letting the feds search your phone at the border

Coming from a district court, I think this ruling could be appealed, but it's welcome news nevertheless.


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They tried to search my laptop when they went through my car at the border, and were greeted with an encrypted boot screen. They tried to interrogate me twice. Glad to know nobody else will have to deal with that now.

"So, you're a tech guy, huh? I bet you're smart." 😐 ...

"Are you into politics? Who'd you vote for?" 🫤 ...

"I'm just trying to have a friendly conversation with you." 🤐 ...

  1. Smart enough to not be working border patrol.

  2. Noneya

  3. This is obviously just you flexing what little power you have in your life.

While I agree with you, if you do this they will use violence and intimidation against you.

I mean every work laptop is (/should be) encrypted. It's about as suspicious as having 2 factor authentication.