Media Sensationalism

7 Post – 53 Comments
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The government doesn't need a warrant to browse data that it's already in possession of. Food for thought.

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Intel is supposed to be heading domestic chip production very soon. An Intel failure could have significant national security implications. The fed won't allow them to fail.

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They tried to search my laptop when they went through my car at the border, and were greeted with an encrypted boot screen. They tried to interrogate me twice. Glad to know nobody else will have to deal with that now.

"So, you're a tech guy, huh? I bet you're smart." 😐 ...

"Are you into politics? Who'd you vote for?" 🫤 ...

"I'm just trying to have a friendly conversation with you." 🤐 ...

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I passed on a lot of the fancier apartment buildings for requiring an app and a cell phone to gain access to your own home. I shouldn't have to agree to an arbitration/class action waiver to use my own front door, I don't feel comfortable with management getting a notification on their phone every time I come or go, I don't like the fact that 20+ listed partner companies have access to sensitive personal data, and I shouldn't have to wait for maintenance to show up in the middle of the night because I couldn't make it back home before my personal tracking device died on me.

The sad thing is that most of these locking units cost these apartments hundreds of dollars each on top of a monthly subscription.

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I'm sat down with a republican family member and she curses the television every time Trump starts one of his ridiculous rants instead of answering a question. It's like watching a sports fan lament their favorite team losing.

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That's the first thing I was going to mention. I just closed the page without reading the article.

I'm most interested in their video that covers the use of social media to advance policy.

Instead of posting a screenshot and a link, they posted a broken Instagram embed instead. Come on.

If I have to buy a "new" car someday, I'm cutting off every antenna I see.

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U.S.. Not an actual tracking device, just a cell phone. I usually leave it at home, which would have been impossible to do at many of those buildings.

" maintain the safety and security of the building and everyone in it." - An actual FAQ

Way to make home feel like a prison.

Intel owns 5/11 of the new US foundries.

Couch fucker voters will most certainly not hold him accountable. That's one demographic J.D. has in the bag.

Maybe if you pulled yourselves up by your bootstraps, we could all live off our investment portfolios and the margaritas would just serve themselves.

I went back to check things out for the first time in a while and realized just how awful it is in comparison to Lemmy. It's an incomprehensible clusterfuck of bots and influence campaigns. As long as engagement and new account numbers look good on paper to appease shareholders, I guess.

Oh, he's into it this time.

I did some digging and it seems like the family's suit should actually be against the pub that was renting the in-park space from Disney. It's just unfortunate that the prevalence of corporate propaganda in news media, especially in what would be a critical period for Disney to invest in damage control for their public image, makes it difficult to confidently believe one thing or the other in light of that finding.

I never cared much for Disney to begin with, so I won't waste any more time with verification. Regardless, the suit definitely shouldn't be dismissed on their argument of the arbitration agreement alone because it would set an awful precedent, even if the suit itself happens to be toothless. I wouldn't put it past Disney to try to take advantage of the situation to that end (They may be hoping the suit will be dismissed for arbitration because the judge already knows the suit is pointless so that future legitimate lawsuits against them for wrongful deaths in their park can be more easily dismissed on the same grounds).

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They had hoped it would demonstrate that fence-riding hardliners could be swayed to Trump's side. All it did was show that one was willing to sell out and fake it for a chance at the high chair.

With all the donor money passing hands to make Trump's campaign happen, the VP choice might have been over his head. Vance seems more like a pick the Heritage Foundation (Project 2025) would've made imo.

Could you get me up to speed on what part of AP's report is fake?

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Watched muted. Message still received.

Propagandists must spend a fortune influencing the wealthy. If enough is known about them, they might even be targeted by advertisements at the individual level by fine-tuned demographics.

Shouldn't you also reinstall the boot loader for the same reason as you'd bin the phone?

Speak of the devil. This article is from two days ago.

The issue starts at the fact that it's difficult to find a computer sold by a common major distributor with Linux already installed, nor does Linux have any marketing aside from word of mouth to compete with the aggressive Microsoft/Apple duopoly.

The threshold to entry begins at simply having the technical prowess to install an alternative operating system on one's computer, which I don't believe a good majority of people are even capable of. Before that, people also need an incentive to transition in the first place. They've probably been using their current OS for a good portion of their life and are more than comfortable with it without putting themselves through another learning curve.

The average person isn't considering an alternative to what they're already using, and if they are, it usually isn't Linux. The biggest problem isn't appeal or ease of use; it's exposure and immediate accessibility.

That said, performance and simplicity would be an excellent selling point for Linux. It would be absolutely worth banking on the open-source nature of it to appeal to a growing demographic of people interested in privacy-oriented tech as well.

I wouldn't bother. If it's legitimate cancer, the body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.

The governor isn't really a major subject of the article. At least, I didn't see it that way. I would recommend reading it.

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I was frustrated by the lack of low sodium options in processed foods before I cut them out entirely.

I could sure use some of that money to buy the next iPhone. Just imagine what my friends would think if I didn't.

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I went to visit family recently, and they were sipping on a carton of Bright and Early by HI-C with an orange on the label. I had to look. Ingredients: High-fructose corn syrup, citric acid. NO JUICE


I'll always be distrustful of Google hardware, but yes. I've been considering a Pixel as my next.

Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the maple syrup.

A lot, actually. Tons of money is being poured into raising up popular propagandists because it works. Russia was caught doing it just recently.

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Were you trying to communicate a point, or was this just an opportunity for you talk down to non-military gun owners as a whole using whatever nonsense you could pull out of your ass?

Machoke Meowth

I hear that the average conservative militia has trained extensively in the military art of marching in formation marching walking down the street. Some of them even bought a box of green tip right off the store shelf.

A witness can still be punished if the court can prove that claims of poor recollection are being abused.

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If I haven't heard of it, then the average Windows user definitely hasn't heard of it.

So they want to ban handguns, right?

I agree

I'm sitting at around half that.