We need to nationalise Google, Facebook and Amazon. Here’s why

drd@lemmy.ml to Technology@lemmy.world – 304 points –
We need to nationalise Google, Facebook and Amazon. Here’s why | Nick Srnicek

With Google's recent monopoly status being a topic a discussion recently. This article from 2017 argues that we should nationalize these platforms in the age of platform capitalism. Ahead of its time, in fact the author predicted the downfall of Ello.


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The government doesn't need a warrant to browse data that it's already in possession of. Food for thought.


Exactly this

The government doesn't need to know my search habits without a warrant

Maybe not a warrant, and IANAL, but government agencies aren't necessarily at liberty to share information amongst themselves. For instance, IRS needs a court order to share returns with law enforcement (IRC Section 6103(i)(1)).

But yeah...this seems like maybe not a super great solution...

Sounds like it really shouldn't have possession of that, although my sympathy is limited for fools who post their crimes on the Facebook

That's not the kind of data they're looking for, if you post it somewhere publicly available they already have that without a warrant or anything. The kind of data to be worried about is the kind that those companies collect about where you travel and when, and what kind of people you talk to through email or private messages. Even if you don't think there's anything incriminating in there, law enforcement loves to collect evidence that they think can be used to pin any crime on anybody, even if they don't know what that crime is exactly.

Good thing they already possess it all via realtime backdoors into every major tech company. The only thing that would change, is the (im)plausible deniability.

I agree, though. We're all in danger.

They also don't need a warrant to browse data that companies just give them freely. The government can often easily get your data without a warrant if it's stored by a megacorporation.