WhatsApp and Signal messages at risk of surveillance following EncroChat ruling, court hears | Computer Weekly

Alb087@lemmy.ml to Technology@lemmy.world – 249 points –
WhatsApp and Signal messages at risk of surveillance following EncroChat ruling, court hears | Computer Weekly

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Untrue. Stop spreading FUD: https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Server

There's a grain of truth in the claim: We don't know for sure if the original open source version is actually running on the server.

They've said that they release the source code after it's running in production:

sorry the source for one of our services was so far behind. We often don't push source until we release things, and there were a few overlapping releases that happened in that period which made it awkward to push at any moment and put us behind. Additionally, we've seen a large increase in spam, and a reluctance to immediately publish the exact anti-spam measures we were responding with to a place where spammers could immediately see them combined with the above to cause this extreme delay.


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In that case: They started publishing code AGAIN.

The server soft has been available, then not, and apparently now again.

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