What's your favorite breakfast coffee? To me, Folgers in my cup is the best part of waking up.

OldManBOMBIN@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 65 points –

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I‘m from the EU we don’t have Folgers but I love opening a can of Sprunk or Brawndo for breakfast.

Oh, Brawndo is my favorite outside beverage. There's nothing like slipping on my Crocs, standing out in my yard with my guns, sipping on Brawndo and pissing into the wind.

Sprunk tastes like Vinewood talent agent semen

Yeah that’s freedom baby! Like I imagine everyone in the USA to start their day.

Not a Sprunk lover eh? Maybe Pißwasser is for you: https://youtu.be/lxpQWWBx0HU. One of our finest products. Export only.

Hell yeah brother! Nothing like working part-time digging your own grave to pay rent for the plot you're being buried in.