6 Post – 163 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

Typical behavior of a bully who thinks they’re above the law.

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Trump’s brain is also absolutely cooked. He just doesn’t look as confused as Biden I think that helps him. Plus that his voters don’t care about facts, I’m guessing they might have actually had some bleach.

Israel was never a democracy. Palestinians who were granted citizenship once Israel got established lived under a rule similar to the military rule in the illegally occupied West Bank. Then, said illegal military occupation commenced and while the situation for Palestinians with Israeli passport slightly improved, millions of Palestinians have been living under military rule ever since. There wasn’t ever a democracy that included Palestinians so it would be more accurate to call it an ethnocracy which is inherently not democratic.

Democracy isn’t god given, it’s a societal contract. We decided to give certain powers to certain institutions, and these institutions should serve our interests as citizens.

However what I see currently is that these institutions are working for the interests of the super rich. If you’re a nazi, you’ll get a „you you you“ for supporting an ideology that attempts to overthrow democracy. If you’re protesting against climate change or genocide, you’ll get beaten up by the police, and apparently sentenced to long jail terms to set an example.

It isn’t anarchy to try and force politicians to change. Protest is supposed to be disruptive as others already mentioned.

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Feel you! My family are immigrants in Germany and my grandpa who was always misogynist and all that old school bullshit, I loved him anyway because as a kid I didn’t realize and he always brought us chocolate and ice cream so I wanted to only remember that.

But in the last couple years he started saying more and more racist shit, being really angry and I’m pretty sure he’s now voting for AfD (our local MAGA). My brother started telling me how we need to deport more people and how all of those immigrants should integrate and learn German Blabla and how they’re not contributing. I was like, do you remember that we’re also immigrants my man?

It’s an epidemic, idk what else to say, but I wish you strength and patience to deal with this, certainly I need it myself.

Yeah I think this is very troubling and counterproductive. The article says the guy was recently discharged from the IDF. Which for a Palestinian is weird because they don’t have to join the army, so I’m assuming he’s a Zionist. That being said, a Jew would get killed for being Jewish by these people and an Arab could apparently get away with being a Zionist. So this whole thing is just pointless violence/antisemitism.

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Not a fan of Hamas or Erdogan but who is considered a terrorist and who is subject to sanctions is very arbitrary. Why is Netanjahu not considered a terrorist? Why are there no sanctions against Israel? We both know the answers, but the point is, in a rules for thee not for me kind of world who even cares anymore?

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I recommend eating McDonald’s every day to support your beloved genocidal friends. The more you eat McDonald’s, the better for the IOF. They really need your support in eating as much McDonald’s as you can!

I recommend replacing it with the silent middle finger.

/s means sex

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Honestly if you can run Doom on it it’s like being able to make an Americano from an espresso or something. It’s very simple. I want to see you run Shrek 2 on it. That is true class.

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DON'T DELETE THIS!!! (it scared the crap outta me)

Once there was a a beautiful young girl who lived in a small town just south of Farmersburg. Her parents had to go to town for a while, so they left their daughter home alone, but protected by her dog, which was a very large collie. The parents told the girl to lock all the windows and doors after they had left. And at about 8:00pm the parents went to town. So doing what she was told the girl shut and locked evey window and every door. But there was one window in the basement that would not close completely.

Trying as best as she could she finally got the window shut, but it would not lock. So she left the window, and went back upstairs. But just to make sure that no one could get in, she put the dead-bolt lock on the basment door.

Then she sat down had some dinner and decided to go to sleep for the night. Settling down to sleep at about 12:00 she snuggled up with the dog and fell asleep.

But at one point, she suddenly woke up. She turned and looked at the was 2:30. She snuggled down again wondering what had woken her.....when she heard a noise. It was a dripping sound. She thought that she had left the water running, and now it was dripping into the drain of her sink. So thinking it was no big deal she decided to go back to sleep.

But she felt nervous so she reached her hand over the edge of her bed, and let the dog lick her hand for reasurance that he would protect her. Again at about 3:45 she woke up hearing drippping. She was slightly angry now but went back to sleep anyway. Again she reached down and let the dog lick her hand. Then she fell back to sleep.

At 6:52 the girl decided that she had had enough...she got up just in time to see her parents were pulling up to the house. "Good,"she thought. "Now somebody can fix the sink...'cause I know I didn't leave it running." She walked to the bathroom and there was the collie dog, skinned and hung up on the curtain rod. The noise she heard was its blood dripping into a puddle on the floor. The girl screamed and ran to her bedroom to get a weapon, incase someone was still in the house.....and there on the floor, next to her bed she saw a small note, written in blood, saying: HUMANS CAN LICK TOO MY BEAUTIFUL.

Now it is time for you to lock all the windows and doors. This letter is the only chain letter that is true. This did happen many years ago, and the man who killed the dog was never caught. If you delete this letter you will suffer the same fate as the girl in the story did, years after the dog was killed. She was raped and killed in the same town and same house as the dog. Do not dismiss this letter, because if you do, a horrible thing will become of you, everyone will soon know your name. But only because it will be the headline of your local newspaper for a long time. It will read... Small Town Murder On The Loose! You can not chance your luck on a chain letter so serious as this. Give up your chance to send this letter to 23 people and you will be giving up your chance to live. You were warned. I hope that I will not see any murder stories in the papers anytime soon. And now I bid you a good day. And one more thing... you only have 23 minutes... sorry.

Yeah people are giving us way too much credit on this one, the whole country is going nuts closing our borders just to do something while my daily life is the same now as it was 1,2,5,10 years ago.

I don’t know who that guy is but blackmailing LBTQ Palestinians into spying on their friends and family is really not a great achievement next to genociding them along with every other Palestinian.

But if we’re doing quotes I’d like to quote the queer Jews who got kicked out of the White House pride party recently:

As queer Jews with close LGBTQ family and friends in Israel, we know how precarious their rights are, too. There is no civil marriage, trans rights are consistently attacked and undermined by high-ranking government officials, and Israeli ministers actively spew hate against pride parades, leading to physical violence. LGBTQ Palestinians aren't being 'saved' by Israel. Their identities and their personal lives are exploited by Israeli security services to force them into being informants on their families and communities, putting them at risk.

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To rescue the 4 hostages in return for almost 300 dead Palestinians and magnitudes more of wounded people.

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Were they right next to the 40 beheaded babies? At this point we can probably go on forever throwing Zionist propaganda lies at each other, but they remain lies.

Al Shifa hospital was the place with the calendar as evidence for Hamas being there right?

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I mean Germany also never really overcame Nazism. We just purged the highest Nazi leadership and some scapegoats and everyone else got off the hook and pretended like they were the victims. Military, police, secret services, government staff, courts were then filled with the same people who were doing that same thing for the Nazis. AFD leadership includes descendants of Nazis and even a Nazi minister. The whole country is and has always been blind on the right eye.

This isn’t a faulty system, the soldiers are behaving exactly as they’re expected to behave. After all, the goal is a completed genocide.

OMG I never dared to say this out loud, it‘s so controversial yet so true!

Absolutely it’s just brain rot in our aging population and Russian psy-ops on TikTok. So tired of reading about this migration BS when I have tons of other problems that no one will fix because they’re busy shitting on refugees.

The protests are not against the war though. They are against the government not bringing back the hostages and against the inconveniences of not being able to return to home. If the government can manage to commit genocide on Palestinians without any inconveniences to the Jewish Israeli citizens then most of them would be fine with that.

Bernd Höcke who leads AFD in Thüringen is a Nazi and this got confirmed by a court. He sees himself als some kind of incarnation or continuation of Hitler. AFD in Thüringen has won the election by a great margin. This is like defending NSDAP.

Yeah idk people kinda get mad when you shitpost in !

Some people can’t help it they have to jump at you for asking a question

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I‘m from the EU we don’t have Folgers but I love opening a can of Sprunk or Brawndo for breakfast.

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Woman naked

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I can do the MBFC for you, BBC is a communist newspaper run by antisemites. I recommend Fox News for a more neutral source

/s obviously

I really couldn’t care less that they sell consoles that allow you to play like what 30 year old games. I find it very problematic that apparently these devices weren’t compliant to safety regulations in the EU, but otherwise who cares?

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You guys get snacks?

With Ryanair I’m thankful that they have to offer a seat.

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Still fascinated by that movie. The rat is the chef, amazing!

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I mean that’s interesting and surely adds to it but I’m pretty certain the main reason is that Israel doesn’t want to get sentenced by a human rights court for committing genocide.

This guy becoming Muslim was just a publicity stunt

If we’re at genocide denial I don’t know what else to talk about.

Edit: I can look the guy up, my point is just because someone said something it doesn’t mean it’s necessarily relevant let alone true.

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I mean Biden is making sure to double down on his support for Israel whenever he has the chance to do so. He is pro genocide.

Trump is of course worse just for the record.

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How exactly does the IDF make the Gaza Strip a better place through making it inhabitable and genociding its population?

Apart from that the IDF is using human shields and lies on a daily basis. What is this?

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How about taking about the elephant in the room that is British + French colonialism plus the establishment of a genocidal apartheid settler colony along with US driven regime changes through funding terrorist groups or just outright invasions?

It’s so damn lazy to blame all of this on religion.

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*Fick deine Mutter du elender Hurensohn, Trumpf

Israel is a settler colonial apartheid state that got founded through ethnic cleansing and dispossession of the indigenous population and the majority of its non-Palestinian citizens see no problem with that. Israel is disgusting.

There are good Israelis who want to see an end to this 76 years lasting injustice but the very idea of Israel is disgusting to its core.