Why do we put up with this crap?

return2ozma@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1231 points –

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You guys get snacks?

With Ryanair I’m thankful that they have to offer a seat.

Y'all know you're allowed to bring your own food right?

Not drinks though. Man, that time our whole family of five got detained for an hour and given the bomb sniffing treatment because my wife brought a tube of baby butt cream that was a 1/4 ounce too big

But I want to pay 3,50€ for a bottle of water and 10€ for horse meat lasagna

With Ryanair you have to pay extra for the air stewardess not to spit on your face or insult you on the way in.

(I might be exaggerating)

(But not by much)

That’s the only service I would happily pay extra for but they do it for free