Israeli attacked in Greece, assailants flee after seeing his cross to World – 79 points –
Israeli attacked in Greece, assailants flee after seeing his cross

Three assailants target Fahad Qubati after he gave Jewish tourists a ride and only fled after he proved he was an Arab-Christian


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Yeah I think this is very troubling and counterproductive. The article says the guy was recently discharged from the IDF. Which for a Palestinian is weird because they don’t have to join the army, so I’m assuming he’s a Zionist. That being said, a Jew would get killed for being Jewish by these people and an Arab could apparently get away with being a Zionist. So this whole thing is just pointless violence/antisemitism.

There are "Arab Israelis" as well. Basically Palestinians who weren't driven out and are now citizens or the descendants of those Palestinians. They have to serve in the IDF regardless of their politics (which, as you can imagine, aren't very sympathetic toward Israel). They also prefer to be called Palestinian Citizens of Israel, but the media usually calls them Arab Israelis or Israeli Arabs to differentiate them from the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.

Yeah I know that there are many of those, but as another poster mentioned except the Druze and some beduins Palestinians with an Israeli passport mostly don’t serve in the IDF.

The article says the guy was recently discharged from the IDF. Which for a Palestinian is weird because they don’t have to join the army, so I’m assuming he’s a Zionist.

If everyone has to do national service in the IDF, you can't really assume a person's politics from that fact.

As I said he is Palestinian and Palestinians except for a few groups don’t have to serve in the army and most of them do not consider themselves Israeli and have no interest in serving the interests of their colonizer.