What's your favorite breakfast coffee? To me, Folgers in my cup is the best part of waking up.

OldManBOMBIN@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 65 points –

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Congrats on "used to!"

Ay, thanks :-) Just passed 6 years!

Welcome! Six years is a fantastic job!

I must admit, there was one single time when I thought "maybe homemade wine will be ok" and it was not. So I did backslide 2 years ago, but I don't think it should reset the counter. Though I've never gotten an opinion on it.

Opinion about what happened once doesn't really matter, unless it was yours at the time and what, if anything, you learned about yourself. You stumbled out fell down, maybe got a bit mashed up a bit, picked yourself up, dusted it off and got on with healing. That's amazing.