Kamala Harris' approval rating surges as Donald Trump's falls

Rapidcreek@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 633 points –
Kamala Harris' approval rating surges as Donald Trump's falls

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Maybe you could explain why your first reaction is always to accuse everyone of loving genocide? Maybe there’s a non-terrible reason that you and a few others here can’t say that line enough?

I hope one day you will understand that people can oppose genocide because it's genocide.

You wanted to stick with a genocide supporter who was losing to Trump. I'm glad the party treated your position with the disrespect it deserves.

You probably could've packed more incorrect readings of my views on here, but this was pretty successful at doing that. Not successful at having any basis whatsoever though.

You will always be just another "you love genocide" liar on Lemmy. I hope that's not how people irl know you

You probably could’ve packed more incorrect readings of my views on here

There is no more charitable reading of your views.