Utica Streets Shut Down by 1,000 During Justice for Nyah Mway March

🦊 OneRedFox 🦊@beehaw.orgmod to Socialism@beehaw.org – 13 points –
Utica Streets Shut Down by 1,000 During Justice for Nyah Mway March - UNICORN RIOT

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The almost complete lack of real coverage of this in upstate new york media is really glaring. Grateful to unicorn riot for doing journalism.

100%. I had to find news about this young boy being killed by Utica Police on social media - I heard nothing about the follow up before this, and nothing in any common media source. Much appreciated to see this and know that the people of Utica are standing up for justice!

Yep. What’s infuriating is that there are plenty of news outlets near Utica just…none that are really talking about it much (with one exception being the Hamilton College paper). I’m so happy to see how active and strong the community has been, even though it seems most people in power would rather that nobody know about that part.